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Law Practice Tips

LPT Articles

14 Stretches to Counteract the Effects of Sitting, From a Physical Therapist (September 30, 2020)

Sitting too much is an occupational hazard for lawyers. The same is true for many who use a computer every day. Sitting too much is dangerous and can lead to long-term health problems. We have seen many office workers opt for a standing desk environment. Proper stretching can also help. In 14 Stretches to Counteract...

Speech Recognition in Teams is Possible with a Workaround (September 29, 2020)

Speech recognition in Teams is still under development. In fact, there have been reports that even muting a Teams call still doesn’t allow one to use Microsoft Speech recognition to operate without exiting Teams entirely. I was in my Teams staff meeting and needed to type several sentences into Teams. I decided to try a...

Using Privacy-Focused Search Engines and Browsers Can Better Protect Your Data (September 28, 2020)

Tracking of our internet use, personal interests and the sites we visit online is getting more pervasive. You are not going to avoid it all unless you are willing not to go online. But you can minimize the tracking. Most of us have by now had creepy experiences that make us question how much we...

Lawyer Tech Tips: Favorite Podcasts for Learning Something New? (September 25, 2020)

Podcasts are hot right now and many more people are listening to them. As shelter in place for the pandemic began, I thought less commuting might cause podcasts to be less popular but instead, the opposite seems to have occurred. Attorney@Work posted a feature today Lawyer Tech Tips: Favorite Podcasts for Learning Something New? Sharon...

Stop Plugging in USB Cables Upside Down (September 24, 2020)

As soon as we started using USB drives and other connectors, we started plugging them in upside down. The extremely frustrating experience was trying it three or four times when there were only two options. IT professionals learned the simple secret to avoid this quickly, but many other computer users never did. So, if you...

iPhone Users Should Pay Attention to the Many New Features of iOS14 (September 23, 2020)

Some iPhone users can’t wait to see what the new iOS update will bring. Others don’t like that changes come to their phones with software updates. I know one lawyer who refuses to let automatic updates install because “the last thing I want first thing in the morning is to learn my phone changed overnight.”...

Lawyers Making Movies: The Importance of Videos in Law Firm Marketing (September 22, 2020)

I’m a reader. Given the choice on a web page of reading the content or watching a video, I’m normally heading for the text. (How-to Videos are certainly the exception to this rule.) An increasing number of consumers prefer videos as the preferred method to receive new information. There are certainly generational differences at play...

Invest Some Time Customizing Gmail So It Works Like You Think (September 21, 2020)

Many small firm lawyers use the free Google email service Gmail to communicate with their clients. There are often questions raised about the security of Gmail because of the ads displayed that can change based on the content of your emails. So when you email several relatives seeing who is attending the cousin’s wedding, it...

Two Great New Guides for Wireless Router Shopping (September 18, 2020)

As I have noted in this tip series previously, if your WiFi router has been in service for several years, it is likely time for a replacement. You may be using out of date security tools without knowing it. And in many cases a wireless router, particularly a mesh system, will improve your online experience....

Starting a Law Practice: 10 Lessons for Becoming a Successful Business Owner (September 17, 2020)

Dan Christensen built his law firm into a team of 40 people across two offices. His feature on Attorney@Work this week, Starting a Law Practice: 10 Lessons for Becoming a Successful Business Owner, is top notch. I think Dan would probably agree that these aren’t the only ten lessons he learned but these are certainly...