
Management Assistance Program

Law Practice Tips

LPT Articles

Alert! Cracking Redaction is Sometimes Possible by Applying Artificial Intelligence and Human Intelligence. (October 28, 2020)

To be honest, one of the last things I’d ever want to write a law practice technology tip about is Jeffery Epstein’s associate Ghislaine Maxwell’s deposition. But after a federal court released its redacted copy of her 2016 depositions, the cyber sleuths went to work. Lawyers, if you ever relied on redaction of a deposition...

For $6.99 a Month, Google Will Send You Prints of Your 10 Best Photos, as Picked by AI (October 27, 2020)

Do you find you don’t print many photos even though later you would like to have more prints? You may be great at determining which photos to use as exhibits in court, but not so good at picking which family gathering picture or nature scene to print. For $6.99 a month, Google will use artificial...

Automated Document Drafting Can Be Simple with OBA Intellidrafts (October 26, 2020)

Lawyers can benefit from automated document drafting of routine documents. The challenge is investing the time and money to automate document this process. OBA members have another option: OBA Intellidrafts. This subscription offering includes about 175 forms/templates, including the computation for Oklahoma Child Support Guidelines. We wanted something like the old OBA Formbook, but automated....

5 Pros and Cons of Using a Chromebook (October 23, 2020)

I know an Oklahoma lawyer who doesn’t understand why so many lawyers use high-powered computers. He and his staff use Chromebooks. That just wouldn’t work for me. I’m a heavy multitasker that uses speech recognition and other resource hogging tools. But for law firms who need to send staff to work from home, it is...

13 Tips to Make Your PDFs SEO Friendly (October 22, 2020)

More lawyers and law firms are placing PDF files online for clients and potential clients to read or download. The conventional wisdom has always been to avoid placing too much information in PDF files on your website because Google and other search engines wouldn’t index them well or at all, so you wouldn’t get “credited”...

6 Microsoft Teams Features Zoom Doesn’t Have (October 21, 2020)

As videoconferencing exploded in 2020, Zoom went from something most lawyers had never heard of to something many used every day. Zoom became a verb and, after months of a changed business environment with many video-conferences, many now complain of Zoom fatigue. While there are many video conferencing tools, Zoom zoomed to prominence for two...

What Kind of Fool Am I (That Doesn’t Use MFA)? (October 20, 2020)

Lawyers are often concerned about the ethics rules requirements of understanding “the risks and benefits of relevant technology.” But you do have to competently protect your clients digital information and you would be wise to protect your own digital information, particularly your online financial accounts. One of the major steps in protecting digital information is...

Many Things Can Be Fixed if You Know Where to Find the Manual (October 19, 2020)

Today if something breaks, we often discard it and buy a new one. But to try a self-repair today, a website you should visit is www.ifixit.com/. The site’s theme is “Repair guides for everything, written by everyone.” The site was recently profile on the CBS Morning News story “Fighting for the right to repair your...

Still Using a Screen and Projector: Think Again (October 15, 2020)

Trial presentation software and presentation tools have become a part of many trial attorneys’ lives. Many hearings do not require these tools. But today’s jurors are used to receiving information via videos and graphics. Every trial lawyer has seen the jurors pay close attention to well-crafted charts or photographs of the accident scene displayed on...

Update Your Law Firm Business Continuity Plan with Lessons Learned From the Pandemic. (October 14, 2020)

My article Pandemic-Proof Your Practice was written early in the pandemic and was published in the Big Ideas issue of ABA Law Practice Magazine in July 2020. Since it was written very early in the pandemic, some items are now obvious and others now appear dated. Even the title is a bit cringeworthy. But the...