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Courts & More Articles

Gmail Under Siege: Implications for Lawyers and Clients

By Jim Calloway Gmail is under attack from hackers. Gmail users should move forward cautiously when clicking on any links received in their Gmail inbox, particularly those that were unexpected, according to a recent FBI warning. AI-Powered phishing attacks have grown at a staggering rate. It is estimated that there are over 2.5 billion active…


When Closing a Client File, Only Keep What’s Yours to Keep

By Jim Calloway There are many tasks to complete when closing a client file. But one of the most important tasks is reviewing the contents of the file to make sure it is ready for destruction. This means making sure every original item given to you by the client is returned to the client. This…


An Unexpected Upgrade from Microsoft: What Lawyers Need to Know

By Jim Calloway I was on the phone with a lawyer last week and told him to, “Open up Word.” The lawyer responded loudly, “What is this?” He then began to describe a series of text boxes that appeared at the top of his blank Word document. I realized he was describing Microsoft Copilot, Microsoft’s…


Trauma Informed Lawyering: What It Is and Why It Matters

By Jim Calloway It is impossible to teach everything we lawyers need to know in law school. Lawyers involved in domestic practice often deal with emotional and unhappy clients. I’m sure the law schools do a better job today, but I received little training on client counseling and certainly there was no discussion of the…


ABA TECHSHOW 2025: Celebrating 40 Years of Legal Innovation

By Julie Bays For 40 years, ABA TECHSHOW has been the premier event for legal professionals to explore how technology transforms their practices and elevates client service. As we mark this milestone in April 2025, we’re more excited than ever to bring lawyers, innovators, and cutting-edge technology together. ABA TECHSHOW consistently brings together lawyers, innovators,…


What Lawyers Can Learn from Consumer Electronics Show 2025: Trends That Matter

By Jim Calloway One might not expect that the annual Consumer Electronics Show in Las Vegas would hold many lessons for lawyers. But legal technology-focused blogger Stephen Embry took away many thoughts affecting lawyers from this conference. What Lawyers Can Learn From CES 2025: Trends That Matter is a useful essay with lessons for all…


LinkedIn Branding Strategies for Lawyers

By Jim Calloway We have seen a resurgence in professional engagement on LinkedIn the last few years. As other social media hosting sites have evolved into platforms less appropriate for professional engagement, many law firms have revitalized their LinkedIn pages with regular posts about legal subject matters related to their practice areas. Many of these…


Communicating Effectively with Clients

By Jim Calloway Precise and accurate communications are critical in the attorney-client relationship because they form the foundation of trust and understanding, helping clients comprehend the legal advice given and the implications of their decisions. This clarity prevents misunderstandings and misinterpretations that could potentially cause problems. In the October 2024 Oklahoma Bar Journal, I wrote…


Essential Lawyer Skills Needed for Success

By Jim Calloway The skills needed to successfully practice law continue to evolve, particularly as applied to legal technology tools. Some traditional skills and habits are constant however, and are still critically important today. Essential Lawyer Skills Needed for Success by Theda C. Snyder on Attorney@Work is an outstanding and detailed discussion of these skills….


Grab Clients’ Attention Quickly with Effective Email Subject Lines

By Jim Calloway A headline on a newspaper article or a blog post is supposed to draw readers into the story. So, too, should the subject line on an email encourage the recipient to open the email and read it. Whether you are emailing clients, opposing counsel or a prospective client, the goal is that…


How About a New Year’s Resolution for Your Law Firm?

By Jim Calloway Reviewing the firm’s naming conventions is a good place to start. I am referring to the file names given to new documents created in Microsoft Word or whatever word processing tool the firm might use. This simple step is important. Even though you may organize your files by keeping documents in different…


Reclaiming a Compromised Facebook Account

By Jim Calloway If you use Facebook, it is fairly common to see a post from a friend saying “I’ve been hacked. Don’t accept any friends requests from me.” But today some lawyers use Facebook for marketing and so getting locked out of their account is a much bigger problem than missing a brother-in-law’s post…


Recalling Privacy

By Jim Calloway As the holiday celebration (and scamming) season begins, we need to be concerned about our data security, but we should also be concerned about our privacy. You may be one of those who say they are not worried about data privacy because “I have nothing to hide.” But today we all understand…


Spend a Minute at Microsoft Copilot Prompt School Even if you don’t use Copilot

By Jim Calloway Even if you don’t use Artificial Intelligence tools yet, invest a minute visiting Copilot Lab to see their examples of prompts for lawyers. AI linked to your information, such as Copilot or your legal practice management system tools allows for these types of useful prompts. If you are already a Copilot subscriber, these…


Does Game Freak’s Lack of Response to Malware Attack Hold Lessons for Lawyers?

By Jim Calloway Cynics would say there are two types of businesses: Those who have suffered a significant cyber attack, with the potential to substantially impair business operations. Those who haven’t yet had to deal with one yet. Lawyers need to have a basic understanding of online threats and precautions for two reasons. They do…


Tips on Using Multiple Monitors

By Jim Calloway Today most workstations feature two or three monitors. Lawyers who use laptops always have at least one external monitor at their desk. Using two monitors became the workplace standard rather quickly as it didn’t take long to determine that this upgrade would save time. At a minimum, you didn’t have to use…


Level Up Your Microsoft Word Skills by Mastering Styles

By Jim Calloway Way back when lawyers were migrating from WordPerfect to Microsoft Word, the most difficult challenge was how Word applied formatting using Styles while WordPerfect used hidden codes within the document that could be easily displayed by using its Reveal Codes setting. Many lawyers had mastered WordPerfect and couldn’t understand why Word didn’t…


Cybersecurity Awareness Training for Law Firm Employees Has Never Been More Critical

By Jim Calloway Did you know that business employees are a factor in more than 80% of successful cyberattacks? This statistic means that regular cybersecurity awareness training sessions are good for your business. I define regular as at least twice per year. Certainly, the training should apply to everyone who works in the law firm,…


Avoid These Common Email Mistakes

By Jim Calloway Some email practices are potentially problematic. Lawyers may not always be able to avoid these potentially problematic areas, but should be aware of what could potentially go wrong. Reply All We all engage in group email discussions, which are facilitated by Reply All. So, we cannot avoid this practice. But many firm…


Examining the Hidden Features in Microsoft Word’s View Tab

By Jim Calloway “Legal pros understand the importance of efficiently managing long and intricate documents.” That is how Catherine Reach of the North Carolina Bar Association begins a recent blog post on the many tools available in the View tab of the Microsoft Word ribbon that many legal professionals do not use. Lawyers appreciate that…