Management Assistance Program
Closing Your Law Practice
Closing an Oklahoma Law Practice
by OBA MAP Director Jim Calloway (May 2021, Oklahoma Bar Journal)
Your Law License In Retirement
Retiring Oklahoma lawyers’ options for handling their licenses to practice law in retirement.
A Basic Checklist For Closing A Practice
This short checklist will help one begin this process.
Checklist for closing your IOLTA account
The Oklahoma Bar Foundation provides this checklist for closing your IOLTA trust account.
In most situations, when the client file is closed, the client portal should also be closed. But first you want to make sure the clients have downloaded everything they might need or want.
Planning Ahead Guide: Attorney Transition Planning In The Event Of Death Or Incapacity, A Handbook and Forms provided for Oklahoma lawyers by the OBA
Leaving a Law Firm: A Guide to the Ethical Obligations in Law Firm Departure from the Illinois Attorney Regsitration and Disciplinary Commission This contains useful forms for a lawyer leaving a law firm or a law firm dissolving.
Case Closed - Now what do I do with the file?
A look at file closing advice from the January 2000 Oklahoma Bar Journal. How much have things changed?