Committee List
Committees and task forces provide Oklahoma attorneys with the means to become involved in a meaningful way with their Bar Association and to be on the leading edge of the latest in information and technology to better serve their clients. Committees and task forces provide attorneys with new tools to aid their practice and to assist the OBA in providing help to all our attorneys.
If you would like to have a meeting or event posted to the online calendar, please submit your detailed request to
Melissa Brooks – Chairperson
Oklahoma City
Brian T. Candelaria – Vice Chairperson
405-943-6457 (116)
Jeff Trevillion – BOG Liaison
Oklahoma City
Jim Calloway – Staff Liaison
Julie A. Bays – Staff Liaison
Oklahoma City, OK 73152
LeAnne McGill – Chairperson
Edmond, OK
TBD – Vice Chairperson
Benjamin J. Barker – BOG Liaison
Enid, OK
Lori Rasmussen – Staff Liaison
Oklahoma City, OK
Janet Johnson – Staff Liaison
Oklahoma City, OK
Collin R. Walke – Chairperson
Oklahoma City, OK
TBD – Vice Chairperson
Nicholas Thurman – BOG Liaison
Ada, OK
Lori Rasmussen – Staff Liaison
Oklahoma City, OK
Robbin Watson – Staff Liaison
Oklahoma City, OK
Aims and Objectives
Committee will monitor the technology including computer acquisition, programming needs, software purchases and advanced technology required of the bar association to ensure that the needs each department in the bar association are adequately being met. Further, the committee will work with the Budget Committee to assure that adequate funding is in place to meet the continuing needs of the association.
Cody J. Cooper – Chairperson
Oklahoma City, OK
Jana L. Knott – BOG Liaison
El Reno, OK
Clayton Baker – YLD Liaison
Jay, OK
Chris Brumit – Staff Liaison
Oklahoma City, OK
Jim Calloway – Staff Liaison
Oklahoma City, OK
Robbin Watson – Staff Liaison
Oklahoma City, OK
Judge Richard C. Ogden – Co-Chairperson
Oklahoma City, OK
Leah T. Rudnicki – Co-Chairperson
Oklahoma City, OK
Judge Thad H. Balkman – Vice Chairperson
Norman, OK
Kate N. Dodoo – BOG Liaison
Oklahoma City
Elizabeth Stevens – YLD Liaison
Norman, OK
Janet Johnson – Staff Liaison
Oklahoma City, OK
Jim Calloway – Staff Liaison
Oklahoma City, OK
Aims and Objectives
- Actively support adequate funding to meet the requirements necessary for a modern and efficient Oklahoma Judicial System.
- To marshall the influence of the Bar to secure adequate resources for use by the judiciary.
- To marshall the influence of the Bar Association to secure fair and competitive salaries for all members of the state and federal judiciary and their staff.
- To continue to study and survey the present state judicial system in Oklahoma, its administration and operations, the methods of selection, tenure and removal of judges, and report thereon to the Board of Governors and House of Delegates, with such recommendations as appear desirable.
- To make recommendations to the Board of Governors on matters affecting the Oklahoma Judiciary.
- To encourage an atmosphere of civility and courtesy in the court room.
- To foster continued good relations between the state and federal judiciary and all other members of the bar.
- To continue to assist in the implementation of a system to reduce scheduling conflicts between the state and federal judiciary.
- To assist in the establishment of Bench and Bar Committees on a county or judicial district level.
- To identify problems common to the Bench and Bar and collaborate on ways to resolve them.
Felina Noelle Rivera-Brown – Chairperson
Oklahoma City, OK
TBD – Vice Chairperson
John E. Barbush – BOG Liaison
Durant, OK
Joel D. Auringer – YLD Liaison
Tulsa, OK
Gigi McCormick – Staff Liaison
Oklahoma City, OK
Spencer T. Habluetzel – Chairperson
Wheatland, OK
TBD – Vice Chairperson
Nicholas E. Thurman – BOG Liaison
Ada, OK
Patrick Madden – YLD Liaison
Ardmore, OK
Gigi McCormick – Staff Liaison
Oklahoma City, OK
Aims and Objectives
Civil Procedure
- To study and survey the administration of justice under the Code of Civil Procedure and the Oklahoma Evidence Code, and the judicial decisions interpreting these Codes, and make recommendations concerning improvements thereof.
- To prepare and propose such new legislation as may clarify, simplify or otherwise facilitate any procedural process confronting a litigant in the Courts of Oklahoma and promote the “growth and development of the law of evidence to the end that the truth may be ascertained and proceedings justly determined.”
- To prepare and propose such new Court rules as may appropriately be adopted by the Courts of Oklahoma in simplifying and expediting the trial of civil cases.
- To survey and study procedure and evidentiary issues not embraced within the Oklahoma statutes and rules, and prepare and propose such legislation as may be advisable to simplify and expedite the trial of civil cases and the ascertainment of truth and just determination of civil and criminal proceedings.
- To study and make recommendations concerning all other matters relating to civil procedure or the law of evidence which may be referred to it by the Executive Council or House of Delegates.
Evidence Code
- To survey and study the Oklahoma Evidence Code and the judicial decisions interpreting the Code and make recommendations relating to the improvement of the code.
- To prepare and propose such amendments to the Code including new legislation, as may clarify, simplify, or otherwise promote the “growth and development of the law of evidence to the end that the truth may be ascertained and proceedings justly determined.”
- To survey and study evidentiary issues not embraced within the Oklahoma Evidence Code and prepare and propose such legislation as may be advisable to simplify and expedite the ascertainment of truth and just determination of civil and criminal proceedings.
- To survey, study and make recommendations concerning all other matters relating to the law of evidence which may be referred to the Committee by the Executive Council or House of Delegates.
Micheal C. Salem – Chairperson
Norman, OK
Peggy Stockwell – Vice Chairperson
Norman, OK
Tim Rogers – BOG Liaison
Tulsa, OK
Bryan Lynch – YLD Liaison
Oklahoma City, OK
Ben Douglas – Staff Liaison
Oklahoma City
Gina L. Hendryx – Staff Liaison
Oklahoma City, OK
Molly A. Aspan – Chairperson
Tulsa, OK
TBD – Vice Chairperson
William Ladd Oldfield – BOG Liaison
Ponca City
Julie Bays – Staff Liaison
Oklahoma City, OK
Lori Rasmussen – Staff Liaison
Oklahoma City, OK
Aims and Objectives
The Oklahoma Bar Association is critically aware of the need for implementation of a comprehensive program to effectively provide educational assistance to those victims of a mass disaster in an effort to prevent overreaching and inappropriate solicitation of those victims in their time of pain and sorrow.
- To prepare and implement a program to effectively respond to a mass disaster situation.
- To prepare the participating members of the Oklahoma Bar Association to effectively respond to disaster situations by the development of plans and procedures to be followed.
- To provide information during times of disaster to the public about the role of lawyers and the legal system to help build and preserve the confidence of the public in the legal system.
- To coordinate all activity in this area in cooperation with the various federal, state, and local agencies.
- To provide assistance after the disaster situation to insure that all victims of said disaster are protected from unethical conduct from any source.
TBD – Chairperson
TBD – Vice Chairperson
Lucas M. West – BOG Liaison
Laura Talbert – YLD Liaison
Oklahoma City, OK
Janet Johnson – Staff Liaison
Oklahoma City, OK
Beverly Petry Lewis – Staff Liaison
Oklahoma City, OK
Emily Buchanan Hart – Staff Liaison
Oklahoma City, OK
Aims and Objectives
- Identify, recruit, mentor and install in OBA leadership positions more lawyers of color, women, young lawyers, and lawyers practicing in the public and corporate sectors of our profession.
- Promote full and equal participation by minorities in all sectors of the legal profession (private, public, corporate, judiciary and academia) by creating increased opportunities in all aspects of lawyering, from recruitment by and graduation from the state’s law schools to bar admission to first employment to job retention to advancement in their legal careers.
Jo Angela Ables – Chairperson
Oklahoma City, OK
Susan Diane Dobbins – Vice Chairperson
Mustang, OK
Jeff D. Trevillion – BOG Liaison
Oklahoma City, OK
Nic Marr – YLD Liaison
Norman, OK 73072
Chris Brumit – Staff Liaison
Oklahoma City, OK
Aims and Objectives
- To study and make recommendations concerning all group and other insurance proposals submitted from time to time for adoption or sponsorship by the Oklahoma Bar Association.
- To consider, supervise, review and make recommendation to the Board of Governors from time to time concerning the functioning of any existing group or other insurance programs.
M. Joe Crosthwait Jr. – Chairperson
Midwest City, OK
Kendra Robben – Vice Chairperson
Oklahoma City, OK
Amber Peckio – BOG Liaison
Janet Johnson – Staff Liaison
Oklahoma City, OK
Chris Brumit – Staff Liaison
Oklahoma City, OK
Ed Wunch – Chairperson
Norman, OK
Mary J. Clement – Co-Chairperson
Philip D. Hixon – BOG Liaison
Tulsa, OK
Benjamin James Barker – YLD Liaison
Enid, OK
Lori Rasmussen – Staff Liaison
Oklahoma City, OK
Aims and Objectives
- To foster and promote the observance of Law Day USA as a time of celebration and re-dedication to the ideals of equality and justice under laws.
- To encourage and aid in the understanding and comprehension of the vital importance of law in our society, our system of government, the function of our courts, and the protections of life, liberty and property every citizen enjoys under the Constitution.
- To provide attorneys with the opportunity to raise public understanding about the role of the law and the lawyer as it relates to affairs of citizens.
- To sponsor a statewide Law Day program calling to the attention of citizens the need to preserve and strengthen our heritage under law.
- To provide and distribute to local Bar Associations material and information concerning Law Day for them to conduct meaningful Law Day programs reaching and educating all citizens.
Amber Godfrey – Chairperson
Oklahoma City, OK
TBD – Chairperson-Elect
Pete G. Serrata – Vice Chairperson
Oklahoma City, OK
Jana L. Knott – BOG Liaison
El Reno, OK
Phoebe Mitchell – YLD Liaison
Oklahoma City, OK
Janet Johnson – Staff Liaison
Oklahoma City, OK
Aims and Objectives
- To visit the Colleges of Law in the State, their administrators, faculties and student bodies.
- To act as liaison among the Colleges of Law of the State, their administrators, faculties, student bodies and Supreme Court.
- To cooperate with other committees of the Oklahoma Bar Association in promoting interest among law students in Bar activities.
- To cooperate with Colleges of Law in providing information and suggestions for curriculum and to study and consider ways and means of improving our Colleges of Law.
- To cooperate with the Colleges of Law by providing information and suggestions on the admission policies. In order to carry out this responsibility, the Committee shall maintain a subcommittee charged with:
- Gathering current information about national and state admission trends, including new developments in admissions procedures;
- Providing admission information and advice to the Oklahoma schools and to the Bar; and
- As a part of the annual visit to each law school, reviewing the admissions procedures of each Oklahoma School to determine if they are operated fairly and in accordance with the best practices as recognized by the Law School Admission Council, the Association of American Law Schools and the American Bar Association’s Section of Legal Education and Admissions to the Bar.
Scott B. Goode – Chairperson
Tulsa, OK
TBD – Vice Chairperson
Angela Ailles Bahm – BOG Liaison
Oklahoma City, OK
Chad Locke – BOG Liaison
Elizabeth Stevens – YLD Liaison
Norman, OK
Richard Stevens – Staff Liaison
Oklahoma City, OK
Janet Johnson – Staff Liaison
Oklahoma City, OK
Gigi McCormick – Staff Liaison
Oklahoma City, OK
Aims and Objectives
- The goal of the Lawyers Helping Lawyers Assistance Program is to provide appropriate referrals, support, intervention, mentoring and other assistance to those attorneys impaired by alcohol or drug use or having other mental health issues.
- These goals and objectives are met through and by:
- Utmost confidentiality
- Statewide coordinated network of Committee members
- Immediate Response and intervention
- Personal assessment
- Toll-free 800 number
- Educational Programs
- Journal Articles
- Part-time Director
Steven Kent Balman – Panel Coordinator
Tulsa, OK
T. Chase McBride – YLD Liaison
Pryor, OK
Richard Stevens – Staff Liaison
Oklahoma City, OK
- Joseph V. Allen, Tulsa
- Susan Bussey, Norman
- Paige Masters, Edmond
- Mbilike Mwafulirwal, Tulsa
- Leonard Pataki, Tulsa
- Rex Travis, Oklahoma City
- Steve Balman, Tulsa
- David C. Butler, Enid
- Brian K. Morton, Oklahoma City
- William Ladd Oldfield, Ponca City
- Jon Prather, Tulsa
- Bryon J. Will, Midwest City
Rules of the Supreme Court of the State of Oklahoma on Legal Internship
Trent Hall Baggett – Chairperson
Norman, OK
TBD – Vice Chairperson
William Ladd Oldfield – BOG Liaison
Ponca City, OK
Joel D. Auringer – YLD Liaison
Tulsa, OK
Debbie Jenkins – Staff Liaison
Oklahoma City, OK
Aims and Objectives
Pursuant and in addition to Rule 11.2 of the Rules on Legal Internship:
- Maintain close liaison with law schools to take advantage of practical training programs in existence.
- Examine the legal internship program to determine the quality of supervision, and educational experience being received by the intern.
- Develop programs to improve the understanding by the student and supervising attorney of the objectives of the legal internship program, and their respective responsibilities in achieving those objectives.
Teena G. Gunter – Chairperson
Oklahoma City
Jana Knott – BOG Liaison
El Reno
Thomas Grossnicklaus – YLD Liaison
Oklahoma City, OK
Janet Johnson – Staff Liaison
Oklahoma City, OK
Aims and Objectives
The aims and objectives of the committee will be to monitor legislation, which affects the practice of law, and use electronic media to notify committee members around the state as to the status of said legislation. Committee members will work to coordinate both county bar associations and individual lawyers in an attempt to favorably affect the creation of suitable legislation. The committee chairman will work directly with the legislative liaison of the bar association and both the chairman and committee members will appear at legislative meetings as required.
Timothy E. DeClerck – Co-Chairperson
Enid, OK
April J. Moaning – Co-Chairperson
Oklahoma City, OK
Chad Alexander Locke – BOG Liaison
Muskogee, OK
Allie Gage – YLD Liaison
Tulsa, OK
Lori Rasmussen – Staff Liaison
Oklahoma City, OK
Aims and Objectives
- To bring to bar members’ attention the activities of the Oklahoma Bar Association and its various committees and county bar associations;
- To promote the value of membership with the Oklahoma Bar Association;
- To serve as a source of useful and relevant information for Oklahoma Bar Association members;
- To promote membership engagement through the planning, development and distribution of targeted marketing and communications materials;
- To develop a pipeline program aimed at fostering communication and engagement between the Oklahoma Bar Association and law students;
- To develop a plan to assist county bar associations with improving membership engagement at the local level;
- To serve as a resource for Oklahoma Bar Association leadership, staff and other stakeholders in the development and review of the association’s communication tools.
S. Shea Bracken – Chairperson
Edmond, OK
John P. Cannon – Vice Chairperson
Cody Cooper - BOG Liaison
Oklahoma City
Jacob Reynolds – YLD Liaison
McAlester, OK
Janet Johnson – Staff Liaison
Oklahoma City, OK
Jim Calloway – Staff Liaison
Oklahoma City, OK
Julie A. Bays – Staff Liaison
Oklahoma City, OK
Richard Dale White Jr. – Chairperson
Tulsa, OK
TBD – Vice Chairperson
William Ladd Oldfield – BOG Liaison
Ponca City, OK
Gina L. Hendryx – Staff Liaison
Oklahoma City, OK
Richard Stevens – Staff Liaison
Oklahoma City, OK
Aims and Objectives
- Professionalism and Civility: To promote and foster professionalism and civility of lawyers in accordance with the OBA Standards of Professionalism and the Rules of Professional Conduct; to encourage county bar organizations and judges to call to the attention of lawyers the adverse effects of incivility on the administration of justice, on the well-being of lawyers and clients, and on the reputation of the Bar;
- Diversity: To promote diversity in the profession by discouraging the disrespect of insulting remarks and other incivility toward women lawyers and other minority lawyers, and toward lawyers representing low-income clients;
- County Bar Professionalism Committees: To promote the formation of, and continuation of, professionalism committees in county bar associations or, where population is sparse, the formation of multi-county or judicial district professionalism committees in Oklahoma;
- County Bar Professionalism Standards: To encourage county bar associations in Oklahoma to adopt County Bar Standards of Professionalism consistent with the OBA Standards of Professionalism;
- Information Resource: To gather information and be a resource for the Bar on the published professionalism standards and articles of county bars and state bars in Oklahoma and elsewhere, to stay informed and be a resource for the Bar on recent developments in professionalism and civility activities.
Judge Thad H. Balkman – Chairperson
Norman, OK
TBD – Vice Chairperson
Allyson Elizbeth Dow – BOG Liaison
Oklahoma City, OK
Dayten Israel – YLD Liaison
Norman, OK
Gina L. Hendryx – Staff Liaison
Oklahoma City, OK
Richard Stevens – Staff Liaison
Oklahoma City, OK
TBD – Chairperson
TBD – Vice Chairperson
Miles Pringle – BOG Liaison
Oklahoma City
Janet Johnson – Staff Liaison
Oklahoma City, OK
- Alternative Dispute Resolution. – (Ret.) Judge Linda G. Morrissey, Tulsa
- Appellate Practice – Bryan G. Cleveland, Oklahoma City
- Bankruptcy & Reorganization – Charles Greenough, Tulsa
- Business and Corporate Law – David S. Randolph, Tulsa
- Criminal Law – Mark P. Hoover, Norman
- Disability Law – Ryan Dexter, Yukon
- Energy and Natural Resources Law – Elizabeth D. Brown, Oklahoma City
- Environmental Law – Travis James Couch, Oklahoma City
- Estate Planning, Probate and Trust – Denis Rischard, Oklahoma City
- Family Law – Ronald M. Gore, Jr., Tulsa
- Financial Institutions and Commercial Law – Lori E. Eropkin, Shawnee
- General Practice/Solo and Small Firm - Ashley B. Forrester, Oklahoma City
- Government and Administrative Law Practice - Julie Tate, Oklahoma City
- Health Law – Cori Loomis, Oklahoma City
- Immigration Law – Jazmin G. Zaragoza, Tulsa
- Indian Law – Stephanie C. Hudson, Oklahoma City
- Insurance Law - TO BE DETERMINED
- Intellectual Property – Jessica John Bowman, Tulsa
- International Law - Katherine J. Trent, Norman
- Juvenile Law - TO BE DETERMINED
- Labor and Employment Law – Katherine R. Mazaheri, Oklahoma City
- Law Office Management and Technology. – Kelley Cornelius, Oklahoma City
- Litigation – Jason Reese, Oklahoma City
- Master Lawyers - TO BE DETERMINED
- Military and Veterans Law – TO BE DETERMINED
- Real Property Law – Jennifer S. Jones, Oklahoma City
- Taxation Law – John S. Wolfe, Tulsa
- Women In Law – Emily Harrelson, Oklahoma City
- Workers’ Compensation – Micah Joseph Felton, Broken Arrow
Elaine Dowling – Chairperson
Oklahoma City
TBD – Vice Chairperson
Miles Pringle - BOG Liaison
Oklahoma City
Taylor C. Venus - BOG Liaison
Laura Ruth Talbert – BOG Liaison (YLD)
Oklahoma City, OK
Janet Johnson – Staff Liaison
Oklahoma City, OK
Jim Calloway – Staff Liaison
Oklahoma City, OK
Gigi McCormick – Staff Liaison
Oklahoma City, OK
Lori Rasmussen – Staff Liaison
Oklahoma City, OK
Amber Peckio – Chairperson
Richard D. White Jr. – BOG Liaison
Tulsa, OK
Matt Shelton – YLD Liaison
Oklahoma City, OK
Janet Johnson – Staff Liaison
Oklahoma City, OK
Chris Brumit – Staff Liaison
Oklahoma City, OK
Jim Calloway – Staff Liaison
Oklahoma City, OK
Gina L. Hendryx – Staff Liaison
Oklahoma City, OK
Beverly Petry Lewis – Staff Liaison
Oklahoma City, OK
Gigi McCormick – Staff Liaison
Oklahoma City, OK
Lori Rasmussen – Staff Liaison
Oklahoma City, OK
Richard Stevens – Staff Liaison
Oklahoma City, OK
Robbin Watson – Staff Liaison
Oklahoma City, OK
Aims and Objectives
To develop, revise, refine and update the Oklahoma Bar Association’s Strategic Plan and to undertake studies of major programmatic and administrative issues of importance to the Oklahoma Bar Association as from time to time may be referred by the Board of Governors.