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Law Practice Tips

LPT Articles

Reimagine Your Law Practice at the OBA Solo & Small Firm Conference 2016

By Jim Calloway On June 23-25, 2016, the OBA Solo & Small Firm Conference returns to the Choctaw Casino Resort in Durant. If you haven’t been to this venue since our last conference there, you may not recognize the place. They have remodeled with greatly improved meeting facilities, expanded spa facilities, four movie theaters showing...

The Grind

By Jim Calloway An ancient bit of large law firm wisdom was that there were three types of lawyers: finders, minders and grinders. The first term referred to those rainmakers who were great at new client development. The second term, minders, referred to the law firm leadership, including those who headed up practice groups. And...

Thoughts on Social Media: Risks, Rewards and Uncertainties

By Jim Calloway As I was finalizing this column, there were news reports that the so-called “affluenza teen” Ethan Couch and his mother had been arrested in Puerto Vallarta, Mexico. Readers will recall this young man stole beer from a Walmart and crashed his father’s truck into some stopped vehicles on a country road. Four...

2015 Year-End Roundup

By Jim Calloway This year I have been writing a lot about change in law offices. If you missed reading any of the prior Law Practice Tips columns in the Oklahoma Bar Journal they are online. I’m sure that some readers are tired of hearing about systemic change in the legal marketplace and wondering how changes...

Strategy and Tactics: Plan Your Work and Work Your Plan

By Jim Calloway Adopting a strategic plan for your law practice probably doesn’t sound like an exciting proposition to many lawyers. This is particularly true if some eager beaver wants to schedule a mandatory weekend retreat for the entire law firm to work on a strategic plan. No one would dispute the need for a...

How is Your Law Practice Going to Change?

By Jim Calloway Ideas about the delivery of legal services are certainly changing. Some of the changes are not going to be good for lawyers. Many of the changes will be challenging for lawyers. But some of the changes will assist lawyers who are paying attention to the changing landscape. And, of course, there will...

‘Paperless’ Office Doesn’t Really Mean Paperless, It Does Mean New Processes and Procedures

By Jim Calloway “Let’s just go paperless. We can free up all that space in the file room and quit paying so much for outside file storage.” “What a great idea! We’ve already got those big, expensive printer-scanner-document senders in the hallways on every floor. So, let’s send out a memo! Effective Monday, we’re going...

The Smoke Clears…After the Practice Management Shootout at the OK Bar

By Jim Calloway A great, enthusiastic crowd attended our Practice Management Shootout at the OK Bar at the 2015 OBA Solo & Small Firm Conference. Read on to learn how we are sharing this information with the other OBA members. First of all, thanks to the representatives for our six participants: MyCase, Firm Manager, Firm...

Care and Feeding of the Law Firm Client

By Jim Calloway A lawyer isn’t a practicing lawyer without clients — at least that is the case for lawyers in private practice. The purpose of law firms is to advise clients, attempt to solve clients’ legal problems and represent the clients’ interests. At our recent Opening Your Law Practice program, I spent a great...

Those Timesheets, Those Hated Timesheets: Are You Still Using Them?

By Jim Calloway A common complaint among lawyers is the painful necessity of filling out timesheets so that the clients can be accurately billed. On its face, this is a simple exercise that should be a part of the daily routine and should be happily done for the direct rewards it provides. (You don’t bill,...