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Listen to Professor Richard Susskind’s Thoughts on Online Courts (May 19, 2020)
Professor Richard Susskind enjoys great prominence in the global legal community based on his fascinating books, articles and lectures on the future of law practice. But his latest book Online Courts and the Future of Justice couldn’t have been better timed as the COVID19 pandemic caused many courts to close to the public or limit their services. Many judges in different jurisdictions held hearings by videoconference or other means. Online courts no longer seem like something that may happen in the far away future.
For this month’s Digital Edge podcast, Professor Richard Susskind Discusses Online Courts, Sharon Nelson and I interviewed the respected professor. As always, it is a pleasure to hear his thoughts. He says we need to decide if a courthouse is a building or a public service. Strong words. Listen to our podcast and see why he says this. I’d encourage those of you with an interest to purchase his book.
For additional reading, see Using Online Dispute Resolution to Expand Access to Justice – The Online Multidoor Courthouse by Colin Rule, which appeared in the Oklahoma Bar Journal in August 2019.