
Management Assistance Program

Artificial Intelligence: Shaping the Future of Law Practice

Learn More About AI at the July 12 Conference

By Jim Calloway

As technology continues to transform every sector, the legal profession is no exception. The Oklahoma Bar Association understands the importance of staying ahead of the curve and harnessing the power of emerging technologies. With that in mind, we are pleased to announce our upcoming conference on Artificial Intelligence (AI) on July 12, in conjunction with the July 10-12 OBA Annual Meeting at the Embassy Suites in Norman.

Artificial Intelligence: Shaping the Future of Law Practice is a one-day conference we have designed both for those who want a deeper understanding of AI tools and for those who do not know where to begin in figuring out how and whether they should use AI.

Many lawyers first learned of the powerful generative large language AI models like ChatGPT when they read of a New York lawyer who used the ChatGPT to draft a brief that contained several quotations from cases that did not exist. His embarrassing hearing before the court made national legal news and cost him $5,000 in sanctions. So, clearly, some lawyers need a better understanding of how to ethically use AI.

We have a stellar faculty assembled, including several speakers whose AI presentations were featured at ABA TECHSHOW 2024. Our AI conference aims to explore the ways in which AI is shaping the future of law practice and equip legal professionals with the knowledge and tools to thrive in this evolving landscape. The conference will feature a series of CLE sessions led by distinguished experts in the field of AI. I will be serving as conference moderator as we cover a number of important aspects of AI and practicing law.

The day will kick off with a session on “Integrating AI with Your Practice Management Solution” with Jordan Turk, legal technology advisor for Smokeball. Many of you had the opportunity to hear Ms. Turk present at our 2023 Solo & Small Firm Conference. In this session, attendees will explore the benefits of leveraging AI for streamlining case management, optimizing workflows and enhancing client engagement. Many practitioners will find the AI tools built into their practice management solution to be extremely useful – and there will be new developments in these tools.

Next on the lineup is Ben Schorr, senior content program manager at Microsoft, who will lead a session on “Navigating Microsoft Copilot.” As I have written in previous columns, Copilot seems to be the more affordable and safer AI solution for many small- to medium-sized law firms. Mr. Schorr will share insights and strategies for maximizing the potential of Microsoft’s AI-powered Copilot to boost productivity and efficiency. I predict many attendees will be amazed at the value of a Copilot subscription at $30 per user per month.

Another highlight of the conference will be the session “AI in Legal: State of the Art, State of Business” with Kenton Brice, director of the Law Library at the OU College of Law, and Sean Harrington, director of technology and innovation at the OU College of Law. Mr. Brice and Mr. Harrington will provide an overview of the current landscape of AI trends in the legal industry. Attendees will gain valuable insights into the cutting-edge AI advancements, trends and potential challenges associated with implementing AI in their practice.

Another crucial aspect of AI adoption in the legal profession is leveraging it for knowledge management. Ben Schorr and Catherine Sanders Reach, director for the Center for Practice Management at the North Carolina Bar Association, will lead a session on “AI and Knowledge Management,” where they will discuss how law firms can harness AI technologies to organize and access large amounts of legal knowledge effectively. They will cover AI-powered solutions that enable lawyers to quickly find relevant information, summarize long documents, draft accurate legal documents and deliver exceptional client service. They will also give us a peek at what they believe are the next significant AI developments coming up.

OBA Practice Management Advisor Julie Bays and Catherine Sanders Reach will then take the stage to present “AI Tools For Today’s Lawyer.” The session will highlight a range of AI tools available that can aid lawyers in tasks like legal research, document analysis and data visualization. If one has a specific task they want to improve with AI, sometimes the lesser-known tools that are not legal industry-specific can be very useful. By leveraging AI tools, legal professionals can save time, improve accuracy and make data-driven decisions with confidence.

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The conference will culminate with a session on the “Ethics of Using AI Today,” led by OBA General Counsel Gina Hendryx and me. As AI becomes more prevalent in the legal profession, it is crucial to address the ethical implications surrounding its use. No lawyer would want to submit a brief to a court containing hallucinated cases and quotes. This session will explore ethical considerations, potential biases and best practices when integrating AI technologies into legal practice.

The Oklahoma Bar Association’s AI conference offers a unique opportunity for legal professionals to engage in discussions, gain valuable insights and network with experts in the field. Attendees will leave with an improved understanding of the potential of AI in law practice and be inspired to adapt their practices to meet the demands of the future.

Mark your calendars for July 12, and join us at our Annual Meeting for this exclusive AI conference. Registration details and the complete schedule can be found on the OBA website, www.okbar.org/annualmeeting. Early-bird registration for the conferences is $150, which includes lunch. Together, let’s embrace the future of law practice and position ourselves at the forefront of the legal profession in the AI era.

There are many other great educational opportunities at the OBA Annual Meeting, including the ever-popular 60 Tips in 60 Minutes, “Exploring the Flower Moon: The Osage Murders and Indian Law Today,” featuring Principal Chief of the Osage Nation Geoffrey Standing Bear, and a session analyzing key changes from recently passed laws led by the members of the OBA Legislative Monitoring Committee. “Taming Your Inbox,” led by Catherine Sanders Reach, and “Automating Your Documents: Avoiding Traps and Pitfalls,” with Julie Bays, are other valuable sessions. There is also a session on new obligations under the Corporate Transparency Act, which went into effect this year. Are all your corporate clients in compliance?

Make sure to join us this year for the July 10-12 OBA Annual Meeting and the July 12 AI Conference. With the variety of CLE sessions, there is something for everyone – and you definitely won’t want to miss it!

Mr. Calloway is the OBA Management Assistance Program director. Need a quick answer to a tech problem or help solving a management dilemma? Contact him at 405-416-7008, 800-522-8060 or jimc@okbar.org. It’s a free member benefit.

Originally published in the Oklahoma Bar Journal — June, 2024 — Vol. 95, No. 6

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