Management Assistance Program
What Does Your 2021 Marketing Plan & Budget Look Like? (December 21, 2020)
For many lawyers, 2020 upended their marketing plans, with industry conferences, customer events and other marketing opportunities cancelled. Who would have predicted that even offering to buy a prospect lunch would become impossible this year?
Micah Buchdahl is an attorney whose company HTMLawyers works with law firms on marketing and business development. He is also past chair of the ABA Law Practice Division, the only past chair who came from a legal marketing background if memory serves.
I note his credentials because his recent post What Does Your 2021 Marketing Plan & Budget Look Like? contains a wealth of great information, including a discussion of that other vexing question, “When will I be able to start my marketing again?” The first point he notes, “Never Stop Never Stopping” is perhaps the most important point one can make about any form of marketing. Next year is going to get better. Your marketing plan for 2021 will likely be much better if you read and follow Micah’s sound advice.