Management Assistance Program
Using Privacy-Focused Search Engines and Browsers Can Better Protect Your Data (September 28, 2020)
Tracking of our internet use, personal interests and the sites we visit online is getting more pervasive. You are not going to avoid it all unless you are willing not to go online. But you can minimize the tracking. Most of us have by now had creepy experiences that make us question how much we are being tracked, like the evening my wife showed me her phone with a coat for sale on Amazon she thought I’d like and within the hour I was served an ad for the very same coat on a social media stream on my phone.
Our June 8, 2020 Tip Avoid Having Your Online Searches Tracked with DuckDuckGo is an important piece of the puzzle for online search privacy. I installed the DuckDuckGo app on my phone and placed it next to Google, so I could be reminded, “Should I use Google for this search?” The first time I used the DDG app for a search it informed me it blocked six websites trying to follow me.
Many lawyers are familiar with privacy-focused search tools. But do you know which browsers are bigger “snitches” than the others?
Bleeping Computer recently published Privacy-focused search engines & browsers that protect your data. You will be interested to read how highly this author ranks your browser of choice and learning about some privacy-focused browsers.