Management Assistance Program
Conference Coming to Tulsa’s River Spirit Casino Resort June 21-23 Solo & Small Firm Conference
By Jim Calloway
“Serve Your Clients and Protect Their Data” is the theme of the 2018 OBA Solo & Small Firm Conference, June 21-23 at River Spirit Casino Resort in Tulsa.
It is important for all lawyers to guard their clients’ confidences and protect themselves against hackers and other wrongdoers while avoiding measures that are financially unaffordable or that a lawyer who is not a technology expert cannot easily manage. This year will include a special Cybersecurity Fair, sponsored by Eide Bailly. New and innovative ways to serve clients will be central to the conference this year, with a special focus on limited scope services, client portals and serving clients via a virtual law practice.
Natalie Kelly, director of the Law Practice Management Program for the Georgia State Bar Association, will be presenting at our conference for the first time. She was chair of the 2014 ABA TECHSHOW Planning Board and is a recognized authority on all aspects of law practice management and technology. She has given literally hundreds of presentations on law office management and technology.
We will also be joined by Brooke Moore, an Arkansas lawyer who operates a virtual law practice at MyVirtual.Lawyer. She is an ABA TECHSHOW 2018 speaker and is a 2017 Fastcase 50 Award recipient. She will join me and OBA PMA Darla Jackson for a session on client portals.
Robert Spector, OU College of Law professor emeritus, will present his now-legendary “Family Law Update” and a presentation on “Child Custody Jurisdiction – Understanding the UCCJEA.” Mr. Spector is known as a go-to authority on family law in Oklahoma and his long list of accomplishments is well-known to Oklahoma family lawyers.
Chelsey Lambert, founder and publisher of Lex Tech Review, will also be sharing her expertise this year. She has had a very varied career in many aspects of law office technology and is an accomplished speaker.
OBA General Counsel Gina Hendryx and I will present “Cyber Ethics in the Digital Age.”
Great educational offerings abound at our conference, including “Navigating Tribal Court Practice,” “Division of Military Retirement Benefits,” “Marketing Your Law Practice on the Web,” “Lean Six Sigma in Law Firms” and “Get It In. Keep It Out. – Evidence & Objections.” See the accompanying program schedule for the full list of sessions offered.
The conference coincides with the Young Lawyers Division Midyear Meeting and several programs are designed with a focus on skills training for the young lawyer, including Natalie Kelly’s “Opening a New Law Practice” and one we have titled “Just a Simple Probate.” We all know what sometimes appears to be simple may turn out to be not so simple.
Perhaps the most important aspect of the Solo & Small Firm Conference every year is the people who attend. Many events promote their networking opportunities, but this conference will provide extended time to meet and network with lawyers from across the state who can provide you with advice, friendship and possible referrals.
So mark your calendar now for June 21-23 and visit for the most up-to-date information on the conference, registration and activities. Details on children’s activities will be announced online. The resort’s Margaritaville-themed attractions will provide a relaxing backdrop for educational conference offerings that are innovative and interesting. Reserve your hotel room early.
Mr. Calloway is OBA Management Assistance Program Director. Need a quick answer to a tech problem or help solving a management dilemma? Contact him at 405-416-7008, 1-800-522-8065 or jimC(at) It’s a free member benefit!
Originally published in the Oklahoma Bar Journal — March, 2018 — Vol. 89, No. 7