
Management Assistance Program

Ten Reasons Not to Upgrade to Windows 11

By Jim Calloway

Should you upgrade to Windows 11? If you are buying a new computer, in my opinion, you absolutely should only buy a Windows 11 computer. Microsoft has announced the end of support for Windows 10 on October 14, 2025. That is too short a time frame when purchasing new hardware. You also should not attempt to save money by purchasing Windows 10 or 11 Home Edition. Home doesn’t include hard drive encryption tool BitLocker and other features.

On the other hand, if your computers are not at the end of life, there’s no reason to rush to upgrade. But don’t wait until October 2025 to upgrade. Transitioning to the new computer will take a while and there could even be spot computer shortages if many wait until October 2025 to shop. We suggest you calendar September 2025 for “new computer purchase.”

We all like to complain about upgrades. Sometimes items are rearranged for no apparent reason. PCMag published a feature 10 Big Reasons Not to Upgrade to Windows 11 that brings up some good points. The Windows 10 Taskbar is better, and the Start Menu is also better, according to this writer.

Of course, there is nothing wrong with the approach of upgrading now to get the Windows 11 learning curve behind you. There are going to be differences that will take some time to learn.

Originally posted in Oklahoma Bar Association’s Courts and More, August 2, 2023.