Management Assistance Program
Takeaways from ABA TECHSHOW 2021
ABA TECHSHOW 2021 was held virtually the second week of March and, by all accounts was a success. The virtual conference meant that many more expert presenters were able to participate than usual.
Takeaways and Tips From ABA TECHSHOW 2021 from Attorney@Work featured comments from several TECHSHOW attendees, including me and a few other past TECHSHOW chairs. This feature turned out very well and I would encourage all Oklahoma lawyers to read it. There is something included for every level of legal tech sophistication.
60 in 60 is a TECHSHOW staple, leading many legal conferences around the country to have their own versions of 60 Tips in 60 Minutes. This year, there were more tech gadgets and, unsurprisingly, more tips on personal well-being than usual. In fact, noted legal tech journalist Bob Ambrogi announced in the session chat, he had opened up Amazon on his second monitor and was adding items he liked to his cart as the program progressed. The ABA Journal coverage of 60 in 60 has links to all of the gadgets ’60 in 60′ included in its coverage—Techshow session features tips to improve video meetings, boost well-being.
TECHSHOW 2022 will be held March 2-5, 2022. Even though the virtual conference was great this year, we all hope that next year’s event will be in-person in Chicago. Save the date. We hope to see you there.