Management Assistance Program
How About a New Year’s Resolution for Your Law Firm?
By Jim Calloway
Reviewing the firm’s naming conventions is a good place to start. I am referring to the file names given to new documents created in Microsoft Word or whatever word processing tool the firm might use. This simple step is important. Even though you may organize your files by keeping documents in different Windows folders, you still should not have a dozen documents in your system named Smith.petition. So, your rules for file naming conventions should be simple, easy to remember and make it almost impossible to generate duplicate file names.
One method is to start with the client’s name and last initial, plus the type of document. To avoid duplication in names some additional information might be needed, like the date the document was created, including the year e.g,. CallowayJAmdComplaint12.11.2024. Some readers may think that is too long, but it is a good starting place. If your firm uses client file numbers, those can be included in a file name. The challenge with that practice is document creators need immediate access to the list of file numbers and sometimes documents are needed file numbers are generated.
Sometimes documents may be misfiled in the wrong folder. Knowing what the file name should have been is a great start to locating them. You also may want to use search software to locate the documents. Mac users have Spotlight search built in. Windows search may work for you, but it won’t index some file formats like WordPerfect. Some may want to subscribe to more powerful search tools like Copernic or X.