Management Assistance Program
Classic Features Return to Outlook in April 2024 Update
By Jim Calloway
Most lawyers use Outlook for email. Upgrading to the “new” Outlook over the last few months has not been painless. Some functions require using the new version of Outlook and sometimes we must toggle back to the old version to get something to work. Perhaps the most frustrating thing has been the number of functions we used daily that were hidden or disabled by the upgrade.
The good news is Microsoft’s April 2024 Outlook upgrade has restored several of those classic functions.
Consultant Teresa B Cyrus has posted a great 9-minute video Microsoft New Outlook: Several Classic Features Make a Grand Return. This is a great video and should be viewed by every Outlook-using lawyer. Power users will be pleased to see some of their favorite tools restored. But most Outlook users will benefit from watching this video as it demonstrates how to use many new, or undiscovered, Outlook functions. Embedding a video so it plays within the email is something new and useful. Imagine on-boarding new clients by sending them a series of introductory videos about the firm or their type of matter. (Those who do not use Outlook will still receive a link to the video.)