
Management Assistance Program

Choosing a Domain Name for Your Website

By Jim Calloway

Every lawyer or law firm should have a website. Most people no longer use the Yellow Pages and search for everything from purchasing legal services to buying a car on the internet. The web is how most businesses obtain new customers. The law firm web site can provide many functions and resources, or it can be modest, with the intention that when someone searches for you online, search results will point them to your website. Hopefully your website will allow them to schedule an appointment with your firm.

For those who do not have a website, choosing a domain name might be a challenge, particularly if you have a very common last name. It was much easier to pick a good domain name a decade or two ago. Sam Glover was co-founder of Lawyerist and does website strategic consulting. His recent post Choosing a Domain Name for Your Website covers the basics clearly and succinctly. There is more to consider than many might think.