

The Legislative Monitoring Committee focuses on the following measures:

  • Administration of justice
  • Court organization, selection, tenure, salary and other incidents of the judicial office
  • Rules and laws affecting practice and procedure in the courts and in administrative bodies exercising adjudicatory functions
  • The practice of law

OBA Bylaws Art. VIII Sec 3

Legislative Proposals and Endorsements in Principle:

  • The House of Delegates has the authority to place a measure on the Legislative Program or to endorse it in principle, with at least a 60% vote.

OBA Bylaws Art. VIII Sec 5

Action by the Association upon proposals for improvement of the law by legislation or by judicial rule shall consist of:

  • Adoption as part of the Legislative Program of the Association;
  • Endorsement in principle.

OBA Bylaws Art. VIII Sec 2

OBA Day at the Capitol

Tuesday, March 26, 2024

Legislative Monitoring (2)
Time Topic/Event Speaker/Location
9:30 a.m. Registration Emerson Hall
Oklahoma Bar Center
1901 N. Lincoln Blvd., OKC
10:00 a.m. Welcome Miles Pringle, OBA President
10:05 a.m. Bills of Interest to the Attorney General's Office Gentner Drummond, Oklahoma Attorney General
10:15 a.m. Court Funding Jari Askins, Administrative Director of the Courts
10:45 a.m. Discussion of the Governor’s Agenda and Supporting Bills Trevor Pemberton, General Counsel, Executive Office of the Governor
11:15 a.m. BREAK
11:30 a.m. Bills of Interest to the Judiciary The Honorable Anthony L. Bonner, District Judge, Oklahoma County
11:55 a.m. Information and Questions Shanda McKenney, Chair of Legislative Monitoring Committee
12:00 p.m. LUNCH
12:15 p.m. How to Talk to Legislators Clay Taylor, Taylor Capitol Group
Emily Virgin, Former Minority Leader, Oklahoma House of Representatives
1 – 3 p.m. Visit with Legislators State Capitol Building
2300 N. Lincoln, OKC

This event has been approved for 3 hours general MCLE credit.