Oklahoma Bar Journal
January 2020 | Meet Your Bar Association
Feature Articles
2020 OBA President Susan B. Shields
With a quiet nature and approachable demeanor, 2020 OBA President Susan B. Shields may not seem like the kind of person who has lived a life of adventure, but she has. Most of the adventure Susan has seen comes from her willingness to say “yes” when opportunity presents itself.
Plus Articles
Determining Radio Frequency Coverage in Criminal Cases
In criminal cases, certain techniques are used to determine the location of a mobile phone at the time of a crime. This article explains new methods of figuring out radio frequency (RF) coverage with a high degree of accuracy in order to establish the location of the phone in relation to the serving cell site at the time of the incident.
The Stigler Act Amendments of 2018
On Dec. 31, 2018, President Trump signed into law the Stigler Act Amendments of 2018.1 The amendments are the first comprehensive overhaul of the law governing conveyances of restricted Indian land in the state of Oklahoma in nearly 75 years and represent a significant change in federal Indian policy with respect to the Five Tribes of Oklahoma – the Cherokee, Chickasaw, Choctaw, Creek and Seminole nations. This article summarizes the legal history of restrictions on alienation of the allotted and inherited lands of the Five Tribes, principally explaining how the amendments eliminated any minimum Indian blood quantum necessary to inherit or acquire restricted land, substituting instead a requirement that the owner be a “lineal descendant” of an original Indian allottee on the Dawes Rolls.