
Oklahoma Bar Journal


The Oklahoma Bar Journal publishes 10 full-color print issues every year and a digital Courts & More issue every Wednesday. Display ads for print issues are available in 12 sizes plus premium positioning and in four sizes for digital issues. Classified ads, which are available in print issues and online, can be upgraded to include blind boxes or logos. See below for advertising details or download the 2025 Media Kit.

Questions? Contact Advertising Manager Lauren Davis by email at advertising@okbar.org or by telephone at 405-416-7018.

Costs & Specifications

Submit all ads in writing, stating the number of times to be published to advertising@okbar.orgNote: If you do not receive a reply to your email within two business days, please call 405-416-7018. Some email messages inadvertently get caught in the OBA’s spam filter.

Oklahoma Bar Journal Print Display Ads

Print display ads will be published in color. Camera-ready print ads must be CMYK, 300 dpi, PDF files with fonts embedded. If assistance is needed with design or an ad has to be resized, a $50 fee will be added to the rate. After the first hour of work, an additional $50/hour fee will be charged to the advertiser. 

Frequency discounts can only be guaranteed if ads are purchased at the same time and are based on the number of ads used within 12 months. 

Ad Size 1x 3x 5x 10x 
2-Page Spread $3,000 $2,850 $2,707 $2,572
Inside Front Cover $2,380 $2,261 $2,142 $2,023
Opposite Inside Front Cover $2,040 $1,938 $1,836 $1,734
Opposite Index $1,950 $1,853 $1,755 $1,658
Inside Back Cover $2,185 $2,076 $1,967 $1,857
Back Cover $2,575 $2,446 $2,318 $2,189
Full Page $1,800 $1,710 $1,620 $1,530
2/3 Page $1,350 $1,282 $1,215 $1,147
1/2 Page $1,100 $1,045 $990 $935
1/3 Page $950 $902 $855 $807
1/4 Page $775 $736 $698 $659
1/6 Page $600 $570 $540 $510


Courts & More Digital Display Ads

Digital display ads will be published in color and can include a live link. All ads need to be submitted as PNG or JPG files. If assistance is needed with design or an ad has to be resized, a $50 fee will be added to the rate. After the first hour of work, an additional $50 per hour fee will be charged to the advertiser.

Frequency discounts can only be guaranteed if ads are purchased at the same time and are based on the number of ads used within 12 months. Please email advertising@okbar.org for information on pricing beyond eight issues.

Ad Size 1 issue 2 issues 4 issues 8 issues
Leaderboard* $400 $380 $360 $340
Half Page $350 $333 $315 $298
Banner $300 $285 $270 $255
Medium Rectangle $250 $238 $225 $213

*Leaderboard advertisers are also recognized in the Courts & More email and on the publication's homepage.


Agency Commission/Contracts

All advertising rates are net and not subject to commission. All display advertising must be accompanied by a written request including ad size, number of insertions and dates desired and position preference. Preferred positions will be guaranteed when available.


Classified Advertising


The Oklahoma Bar Journal contains a classified advertising section. Classified ads for print issues are $1.75 per word with a $40 minimum. Ads may not exceed 300 words. Display classified ads have a black box around them and can include logos. They are $70 per column inch. Ads may not exceed eight column inches. All classified ads purchased for print issues will also be listed online at www.okbar.org/classifieds. 


The OBA offers online classified listings on its website. This page receives around 1,500 views per month. Classified ads listed only online and not in a print issue are $100 per month. 

Blind Boxes

Classified ads can be upgraded to include blind boxes. Word count for blind box ads must include the phrase “Send replies to Box ___, Oklahoma Bar Association, P.O. Box 53036, Oklahoma City, OK 73152” for mailed responses or “Send replies to advertising@okbar.org with the subject line ‘Position ___’” for emailed responses. There is an additional $15 fee for mailed blind box assignments to cover the forwarding of replies. This will apply each time the ad is published. Replies will be mailed to the advertiser every Friday or emailed whenever they are received. The name of box holders will not be disclosed. 

Classified ads must be submitted in writing to advertising@okbar.org and must be prepaid. Frequency discounts are not available for classified ads.



New advertisers are required to prepay for their first ad insertion. Also, all classified and classified display advertising must be prepaid. Display advertising also should be prepaid unless special arrangements have been negotiated. Proof of publication will be provided only upon request.



OBA sections and committees receive three free full pages of ad space per year. If the committee or section has exhausted its three free pages of space, it will be charged at a 40% discounted rate. County bar associations, law schools and other law-related groups approved by the executive director also receive a 40% discount for display ads. The discount is applied to the rate for one ad. 




Advertising may be canceled only by written notice received prior to the advertising deadline. You will receive a response confirming the cancellation. If you do not receive a response within two business days, please call 405-416-7018. Some email messages inadvertently get caught in the OBA’s spam filter. If you need to cancel an ad but fail to do so before the deadline, your ad may still run, and you may still be charged. If a frequency discount is given and the ad is canceled prior to meeting the frequency requirement, the advertiser will be responsible for paying the difference between the two rates.


Proofs will only be provided if requested and will be for typographical corrections only. All other changes will be charged on the basis of time occupied in making such changes. 

Refusal of Ads

The Oklahoma Bar Association reserves the right to revise or reject any advertisement it considers to be objectionable or offensive in subject matter, illustration or phraseology. Advertisements promoting CLE not co-sponsored by the OBA will not be published. 


The Oklahoma Bar Association will not be liable for any error in advertisements to a greater extent than the cost of the space occupied by the error. This does not apply to advertisers who provided camera-ready artwork or who have proofed the copy. 

Retention of Materials

Ad materials will be retained for 12 months.

Submission Requirements
Rules & Standards