Governance & Membership
October 2018 President's Message
Team Pride
By Kimberly Hays
The month of October is a busy time for sports fans. Football games with a chill in the air; basketball on the horizon (Go Thunder!) and the MLB race for the pennant is coming down to the wire. Some of you might enjoy the camaraderie of the tailgate as much as the sport itself. The pregame festivities offer the opportunity to talk about recent events or catch up with friends. We proudly wear the team colors, pack up and head to the stadium or host a watch party for the game. We take pride in our team, which can lead to spirited debates between friends – Go Pokes!
Why do we like to feel we are a part of a team? Is it the excitement of the competition or the comfort of belonging to a group united by the same goal? As a team member or a fan, we become invested in the team’s mission while developing a passion for the pursuit of the “win.” However, the pursuit of the win cannot be allowed to disrupt the entire game. Whether on the field or in the court room, our actions reflect upon the sport/profession as a whole.
The OBA Standards of Professionalism state, “Professionalism for lawyers and judges requires honesty, integrity, competence, civility and public service.” And also, “The very nature of our adversary system of justice requires respect for the law, the public, the courts, administrative agencies, our clients and each other.” Clients and jurors take note of the way in which we interact with the public and fellow attorneys. While we are on opposing teams when representing a client, remember that we all belong to the same team – the legal profession. When we take pride in being a member of the legal profession, we are encouraging others to respect us and our profession.
I hope that you have already made plans to register and attend our OBA Annual Meeting! Be part of the team and join us to socialize with friends, engage in the discussions about the future of our practice of law and be part of the camaraderie that happens when attorneys gather together. Just like a good tailgate party or bedlam rivalry, you do not want to be left out of the excitement to be found in Tulsa.
The highlights include CLE that examines our changing legal landscape with the topics of medical marijuana regulations, digital evidence, the digital underground and cyber protection. Join us for the Wednesday evening President’s Reception and don’t miss the Thursday night ‘80s-themed event – Kim & Alan’s House Party!
Send photos of yourself from the ‘80s to Laura Stone at and be included in the evening’s slideshow. Attend the Friday morning Delegates Breakfast, featuring Ted Streuli. Important issues to come before the House of Delegates include resolutions and elections. I look forward to seeing you in Tulsa.
Originally published in the Oklahoma Bar Journal -- OBJ 89 pg. 4 (October 2018)