Legal Resources
Outreach & Public Service Programs
More than 50 percent of Oklahoma lawyer spend three or more hours a week on professional legal volunteer work, 70 percent of state lawyers spend three or more hours a week on civic and community charitable work. Below are the ways in which the Oklahoma Bar Association facilitates contributions by members to making a difference in the lives of others in our society.
Many of the OBA's community service programs are projects of the Young Lawyers Division, but lawyers don't have to be a YLD member to become involved. Check out all the programs on the YLD programs page.
Are you a lawyer looking for a way to give back? In addition to the programs below, check out Pro Bono Net for information on how Oklahoma lawyers can increase the amount of free civil legal services to poor and elderly Oklahomans offered through Legal Aid Services of Oklahoma and Oklahoma Indian Legal Services.
Awards - Members of the public are encouraged to submit nominations for both the OBA Awards and Ada Lois Sipuel Fisher Diversity Awards. Both awards recognize outstanding work of lawyers, law-related organizations or other individuals making a positive impact on the law and in the legal field.
Clients’ Security Fund - a fund created by the OBA Board of Governors in 1965 for the purpose of reimbursing losses to clients as a result of dishonest conduct of persons practicing law in Oklahoma and to maintain the integrity and good name of the legal profession as a whole.
Diversity Committee - The Diversity Committee encourages diverse representation and participation in legal profession as well as plans and promotes programs and resources that enhance knowledge and encourage understanding of diversity, including the annual Ada Lois Sipuel Fisher Diversity Awards.
Free legal information and publications - Free information produced by the Oklahoma Bar Association at no cost to the public on more than 20 legal topics. Printed versions of brochures can even be mailed to Oklahomans for free.
High School Mock Trial - A statewide competition in which students in grades 9-12 model the roles of attorneys and witnesses, with the state champions advancing to nationals. Trials are heard by actual judges and teams are guided by lawyer coaches. Students obtain a unique perspective of the American legal process and develop poise and confidence through both individual and team efforts. Funded by the Oklahoma Bar Foundation.
Kick It Forward - The Kick It Forward program assists lawyer struggling to pay their annual dues, with the promise that once on their feet, the lawyer will help assist others in need. Each year, the program helps about 10 lawyers.
Law Day and Ask A Lawyer - Law Day is an annual three-part public service project sponsored by the Oklahoma Bar Association and local county bar associations. It includes a statewide student contest for grades pre-K through 12th, a TV show exploring popular legal topics and a day of free legal advice in which approximately 300 attorneys volunteer and help nearly 2,500 people with legal problems every year.
Oklahoma Find a Lawyer - As a community service, the OBA does provide a directory of its attorney members who have given their permission to have their names published in this directory. The Oklahoma Bar Association does NOT refer attorneys to consumers, provide legal advice, license or regulate paralegals or other nonlawyers.
Oklahoma Lawyers for America's Heroes - this program provides legal advice and assistance free of charge to active duty servicemen and women as well as veterans.
Wills for Heroes - The Wills for Heroes program is designed to provide free wills to emergency personnel in Oklahoma. The Young Lawyers Division oversees the program in the state.