
Legal Resources

Free Legal Information

In addition to the information below, a list of additional resources is available on our Legal Resources page.


The Oklahoma Bar Association offers a series of free informational brochures and other publications on a variety of legal topics. The documents are available for download at no cost.

  • Criminal Law*
  • Do You Need a Will or Trust?*
  • Information for Trial Jurors*
  • Is Bankruptcy the Answer?*
  • Is Divorce the Answer for You?
  • Is Probate Needed?*
  • Lawyers and Legal Fees*
  • Methods for Resolving Conflicts and Disputes*
  • Should You go to Small Claims Court?*
  • Thinking of Buying a Home?*
  • What are Your Rights as an Employee?*
  • What are Your Rights as a Landlord?*
  • What are Your Rights and Duties as a Tenant?*
  • When Do You Need Joint Tenancy?*
  • What Is an Advanced Directive for Health Care (Living Will)?*
  • Free Advanced Directive Form

*Updated version coming soon

These brochures are provided for general informational purposes only and should not be considered a substitute for professional legal advice. The contents of these brochures may not reflect the most current legal developments or laws specific to your jurisdiction. Need assistance finding a licensed attorney in your area? Visit www.OklahomaFindALawyer.com.

Other Publications

  • Young Adult Guide app - Great legal information for students, parents, teachers or school administrators; available for iOS and Android
  • Legal Guardianship information - Learn about legal guardianships and guardians ad litem, plus get easy-to-understand information and a guidebook to assist you or a loved one through the process of guardianship.
