Law Day 2021 Theme: “Advancing the Rule of Law Now”
December 4, 2020
The OBA Law Day Committee is planning activities for Law Day 2021, including the student contest that invites students in pre-K through 12th grade to submit entries on the theme: “Advancing the Rule of Law NOW.” Nearly 1,300 students from 46 towns and about 70 schools and home school groups entered the contest the 2020 contest. The contest is open now through January 15, 2021, providing an educational activity for students over the holidays.
We asked Law Day Committee Chair Ed Wunch about the preparations for 2021 Law Day.
Ed Wunch: “Law Day is a time for us to celebrate and educate the public about the legal system and the role of lawyers and judges in society. Many county bar associations and local judges (in typical years) put together local luncheons and bring in speakers to speak on many topics, including the year’s theme, Advancing the Rule of Law Now.
Law Day is a day of service for lawyers, and the Law Day Committee supports that service focusing on three key areas:
- Educating students about the legal profession through the Law Day Contest.
- Producing the “Ask a Lawyer” television program to highlight the good work of lawyers across the state.
- Coordinating the volunteers offering free legal advice by phone and email on Law Day. As recognized by Rule 6.1 of the Rules of Professional Conduct, it is important for lawyers to offer pro bono public service.”
“This year’s Law Day theme – Advancing the Rule of Law Now – reminds us that ‘we the people’ must promote the rule of law to protect rights, champion justice and secure the blessings of liberty for ourselves and our future generations.”
ABA President Patricia Lee Refo
How can OBA members be involved, particularly with the student contest?
“We highly encourage lawyers to reach out to local teachers and schools to inform them about the contest. Often, teachers will submit entries from each of their students. The Law Day Committee drew inspiration for this year’s writing contest prompts from the standards for Social Studies for each grade level from the State Department of Education, in order to better fit the contest into part of the regular curriculum.
Additionally, we will be looking for attorneys to help us judge contest entries in January/February 2021. If an attorney is interested in helping us judge contest entries, they should feel free to contact me at
County bar presidents may request that we return entries to their counties if they wish to select their own local winners, or recognize the state-wide winners in their counties.”
Ed Wunch has served on the Law Day Committee since 2018, and is Chair for 2020 and 2021.
“In speaking with attorneys around the state that we feature in the Law day program and who volunteer to provide free legal advice, I always am impressed by the dedication to public service from all attorneys. No matter the size of firm or area of practice, so many attorneys feel it is important to support their communities. Given the rich history of Law Day in Oklahoma, it is my honor to do my part to help carry these traditions forward.”
Helpful links.
Thank You Law Day Committee Members
Thank you to Law Day Committee members. Wunch said more members are always welcome. Reach out to find out more with an email to
- Ed Wunch, Chair
- Brian T. Hermanson, BOG Liaison
- Bevan Stockdell, YLD Liaison
- Jennifer Tunder
- Richard Vreeland
- OBA Communications Staff – Carol Manning, Lauren Rimmer & Dawn Shelton.