Court News
IN THE COURT OF CIVIL APPEALS-COURT OF EXISTING CLAIMS DIVISIONORDER REVISING RULE 60-APPEALS, OF THE RULES OF THE WORKERS’ COMPENSATION COURTTitle 85 Oklahoma Statutes, Chpt.4, Appendix; EFFECTIVE AUGUST 23, 2024 A. Appeals to the Court of Civil Appeals-Court of Existing Claims Division (COCA-CEC Division) Court en banc may be taken by filing an original and two (2) copies…
Read more...Oklahoma Bar Association Board of Governors Opposes SJR 34 Fairness. Impartiality. Independence. These are the hallmark attributes we seek for the justices and judges who ensure that every citizen of this state is treated equally and without bias under the law. Our entire system of justice – our coequal third branch of government that safeguards…
Read more...May 10: Update on SJR 43 As of the writing of this update, Senate conferees have been named, including OBA members Senators Mary Boren, Julie Daniels, Kay Floyd and Brent Howard. As of now, no House conferees have been named. If House conferees are named, the process is for the conferees to agree on common…
Read more...Eight teams from Jenks, McAlester, Moore, Oklahoma City, Owasso and Tulsa will participate in the 2022 Oklahoma High School Mock Trial semifinals. The rounds are scheduled for Monday, Feb. 28 in Oklahoma City at the United States District Court for the Western District of Oklahoma and in Tulsa at the Page Belcher Federal Building. The…