Oklahoma Supreme Court
No published opinions this week.
Oklahoma Court of Criminal Appeals
2021 OK CR 9, F-2019-351
Decided 04/22/2021
¶1 Appellant, Justin Cecil Detar, was convicted by a jury of lewd or indecent proposals to a child under sixteen, after conviction of two or more felonies, in Tulsa County District Court Case No. CF-2015-4675. The Honorable Dawn Moody, District Judge, sentenced him to twenty-five years imprisonment in accordance with the jury's recommendation. 1 This appeal followed.
Oklahoma Court of Civil Appeals
2021 OK CIV APP 15, 118310
Decided 09/25/2020
¶1 Plaintiff Penn Grand Management, LLC, seeks review of the district court's order granting Defendant HomeRiver Group, LLC's motion to dismiss. The district court dismissed HomeRiver from the lawsuit, enforcing a forum-selection clause in the parties' contract. The appeal has been assigned to the accelerated docket pursuant to Oklahoma Supreme Court Rule 1.36(b), 12 O.S. Supp. 2013, ch. 15, app. 1, and the matter stands submitted without appellate briefing. The district court erred in dismissing HomeRiver from the lawsuit because there are claims in the petition that do not fall within the scope of the contract's forum selection clause.
2021 OK CIV APP 14, 117953
Decided 09/04/2020
¶1 Cornellio Hernandez appeals the entry of a protective order forbidding any contact or interaction with Billy L. Rhodes. On review, we find no error in the court's decision.

NEW. For an easier reading experience, click here for this week's Dispositions Other Than By Published Opinion.

Information Round Up
Supreme Court Honors Cheryl Beatty on Retirement
The Oklahoma Supreme Court honored Cheryl Beatty on April 26, recognizing her 14 years as director of the Oklahoma Board of Bar Examiners, and her total 37 years of service to the Oklahoma Bar Association.
“The Court has relied on your guidance and advice for the past fourteen years in your role as Director of the Board of Bar Examiners. Your expertise with Bar admissions and licensing has helped each of us make the most informed decisions possible. We value, and will miss, your leadership.
That leadership was front and center over this last year with the coronavirus threatening to derail the July Bar Exam. Predictably, you were steadfast in your commitment to shepherding your applicants through the dark pathways of uncertainty and self-doubt. Because of your dedication; everyone survived and attained the common goal."
Richard Darby, Chief Justice, Oklahoma Supreme Court
See more pictures from the occasion, and a picture taken at Cheryl's retirement party.
Lawyers Helping Lawyers will have its first in-person discussion in some time. An online option is also available for the monthly evening meeting on May 6, 2021.
TOPIC: Keeping Good Boundaries with Clients.
Details are on the OBA's LHL page.
Notice of Judicial Vacancy
The Judicial Nominating Commission seeks applicants to fill a vacancy for the position of District Judge for Oklahoma County, Seventh Judicial District, Office 6. Applications must be submitted to the Chairman of the JNC no later than 5:00 p.m., Friday, May 14, 2021.. Read more.
9:30 a.m., Wednesday, April 28, 2021
9:30 a.m., Tuesday, May 25, 2021
Any person desiring to be heard in opposition to or in support of a petition may appear before the Professional Responsibility Tribunal at a scheduled hearing located at the Oklahoma Bar Center at 1901 North Lincoln Boulevard, Oklahoma City, Oklahoma. Any person wishing to appear should contact Gina Hendryx, General Counsel, Oklahoma Bar Association, P.O. Box 53036, Oklahoma City, Oklahoma 73152, telephone (405) 416-7007.
Whether you are hiring, looking for a career move, offering office space or searching for a service - let the OBA Classified service help. For advertising rates and details, at advertising@okbar.org, or by telephone (405) 416-7018. Visit the OBA CLASSIFIEDS.
Yes. You Can Remove Those Negative Online Reviews
Jim Calloway found a thorough tutorial from one of his legal tech world connections about those negative reviews that covers how to get rid of them, if you should respond (but never in ALL CAPS) and why the goal is not all Five Star reviews. Read more of the back story, and watch the YouTube video below.