
Oklahoma Bar Journal

September 2018 | Annual Meeting


Feature Articles

Get information about Annual Meeting CLE, events and more on the Annual Meeting site!

Hear from great speakers, attend great events and share good times with great friends at this year's Annual Meeting. Registration includes a conference gift, Wednesday President’s Reception and Thursday Kim & Alan’s House Party social events, OBA hospitality refreshments daily and a 20% discount on registrants’ Annual Luncheon tickets. Plus, meeting registrants receive discounted registration on one or both CLE courses, this year focusing on the emerging issues related to medical marijuana and cyber security.

Plus Articles

Bitcoins, Blockchains and Satoshi Nakamoto: A Lawyer's Primer
Why should lawyers care about bitcoins2 and the lesser-known, but potentially far more important, blockchain in the news recently? There are numerous reasons but many are not yet known like Donald Rumsfeld’s unknown unknowns.3 Recall the internet decades ago when few envisioned Amazon, email, OSCN, Netflix, WikiLeaks, PACER, Google and the cloud.

Second Time's a Charm: Oklahoma Citizens Participation Act's Applicability in Federal Court
The twin cases – Anagnost v. Tomecek3 and Steidley v. Singer4 – held that the Oklahoma Citizens Participation Act (OCPA) cannot apply retroactively to vested claims because it makes substantive changes to existing Oklahoma law.5 The OCPA belongs to a class of laws commonly referred to as anti-SLAPP statutes.6 Those laws provide procedures for dismissal of lawsuits that are intended to chill the exercise of First Amendment rights.7 The key features of the OCPA and many other anti-SLAPP statutes are that they provide for 1) the filing of a dispositive motion that tests the merits of the case, 2) an immediate right to a fast-track appeal if the motion is denied and 3) attorneys’ fees and costs to the movant if the case is dismissed.8

Taxation Law Section: 2018 Oklahoma Tax Legislation
The following is a summary of some of the changes in Oklahoma law on state taxation enacted by the Oklahoma Legislature in the 2017 special sessions and 2018 session of the Legislature.