Ethics Counsel
Ethics Opinions Prior to 1979
Adopted October 28, 1932 A member of the bar, having considered Advisory Opinion No. 27 appearing in the May 1932 Bar Journal, asks for a further opinion with reference to the second question propounded in the request for the opinion numbered 27, which is: "Is it proper or permissible for an ex-County Attorney to accept… Continue reading...
Adopted March 27, 1931 On February 25, 1931, there was filed with the State Bar of Oklahoma the following application for an opinion: February 25, 1931. The State Bar, Oklahoma City, Oklahoma. Gentlemen: Our business consists of real estate and property management which includes a complete service for the disposition, care and maintenance of property.… Continue reading...
Adopted July 24, 1931 The Board of Governors of The State Bar of Oklahoma, having been requested so to do, hereby gives its opinion in the form of answers to the following inquiries: "1. Under the law and rules of our present State Bar governing lawyers and the practice of law, is a person, not… Continue reading...
Adopted August 29, 1931 An inquiry has been received from a member of the Oklahoma State Bar in which it is stated that he has had much experience in briefing cases both for the trial courts and upon appeal; that it has occurred to him there are many lawyers throughout the state who, through lack… Continue reading...
Adopted August 29, 1931 A member of the State Bar requests the opinion of the Board of Governors upon a proposed course of conduct as follows: A lawyer has established a collection service known as ............ Collection Service, of which it appears he is manager and attorney. He proposes to forward to different organizations a… Continue reading...
Adopted August 29, 1931 It is the opinion of the Board of Governors that: (a) The knowing acceptance of the services of runners or touters in securing business for a member of The State Bar of Oklahoma, with or without an agreement, express or implied, to compensate such runners or touters, is a violation of… Continue reading...
Adopted September 25, 1936 The Board of Governors of The State Bar of Oklahoma is requested to express its opinion in answer to the following inquiry from a member of the State Bar: "Please advise me whether or not the following arrangement would contravene any of the rules of professional conduct: "Suppose a client should… Continue reading...
Adopted September 25, 1936 A member of The State Bar of Oklahoma has requested the Board of Governors of The State Bar of Oklahoma to express its opinion in answer to the following inquiries: (1) "I understand that there are a number of attorneys in Oklahoma who, being in the general practice of law, accept… Continue reading...
Approved October 30, 1931 The Board of Governors is in receipt of the following request for an opinion: "In the September, 1931, issue of the Oklahoma State Bar Journal, beginning on Page 3 are some opinions on the practice of law which are quite interesting. I would like to ask your opinion upon another question.… Continue reading...
Approved October 30, 1931 The Board of Governors is in receipt of the following request for an opinion: "In the September, 1931, issue of the Oklahoma State Bar Journal, beginning on Page 3 are some opinions on the practice of law which are quite interesting. I would like to ask your opinion upon another question.… Continue reading...