
Ethics Counsel

Ethics Opinions

Ethics Opinion No. 100

December 26, 1935 1.  Attorneys - Unprofessional Employment - Ex-Judges. A county judge admitted a will to probate and thereupon appointed an administrator with the will annexed.  After the retirement of the judge from office the administrator was removed, another administrator was appointed who resigned, whereupon another administrator was appointed.  From the order of appointment… Continue reading...

Ethics Opinion No. 101

Adopted January 24, 1936 The Board of Governors is in receipt of the following request for an opinion: "While I was Judge of the Superior Court, "A" brought suit in that court to annul marriage of himself and "B". I entered a decree annulling the marriage. At that time, unknown to the court, "B" was… Continue reading...

Ethics Opinion No. 102

Adopted January 24, 1936 The Board is in receipt of the following inquiry: "May an attorney, who is employed by the State Banking Department in the capacity of liquidating agent, accept employment from a client which will involve a suit against the State of Oklahoma on relation of the bank commissioner growing out of another… Continue reading...

Ethics Opinion No. 103

Adopted January 24, 1936 The Oklahoma State Board of Accountancy inquires: "May a member of the State Bar who has accepted employment upon a contingent fee basis employ a certified public accountant upon an agreement that the accountant's compensation will come out of the contingent fee only, when and if collected, upon an agreed participation… Continue reading...

Ethics Opinion No. 104

Adopted February 28, 1936 The Board is in receipt of the following inquiry: "Under out statute, as soon as service is obtained in a case, depositions of the witnesses of the adverse party may be taken by the other party. Does this justify a member of the bar, when taking the depositions of an adverse… Continue reading...

Ethics Opinion No. 105

Adopted February 28, 1936 The Board is in receipt of the following inquiry: "Inclosed find clipping from one of our local daily newspapers containing cards of six lawyers. I should like an opinion upon whether publication of these professional cards conflicts with legal ethics. Does it make any difference that these cards are published without… Continue reading...

Ethics Opinion No. 106

Adopted February 28, 1936 The Board is in receipt of the following inquiry: "During a prior City of ............ Administration,--approximately a year and a half ago--I was the City Attorney of the City of ............. At that time a number of suits were filed against the City of ......... to recover damages for the maintenance… Continue reading...

Ethics Opinion No. 107

Adopted March 27, 1936 The Board is in receipt of the following inquiry: "Is it permissible for a member of the bar to divide fees or commissions earned on collections forwarded either by a collection agency or received as a subscriber of a law list, with such collection agency or law list?" In response: On… Continue reading...

Ethics Opinion No. 108

Adopted May 22, 1936 Inquiry: "The managing editor of ............, a monthly magazine publishing in ..........., has asked me to write an article on the subject of 'Wills' for the May 1936 issue. The principal circulation of this publication is among banks and insurance companies. The article, of course, would be published without charge. Before… Continue reading...

Ethics Opinion No. 109

Adopted June 19, 1936 The Board of Governors is in receipt of the following inquiry: "One M has two criminal cases pending against him in the federal court. He made bond for his appearance, failed to appear when the cases were called and has been a fugitive for several months. The attorney now represents him… Continue reading...