
Ethics Counsel

Ethics Opinion No. 227


Members of the Bar have recently received solicitations to have their names listed in a classified directory to be published by a firm located in the state. The price of such listing is contained in the solicitation.


In view of the clear wording of Canon 43 and the numerous opinions of the Bar, a listing in such a directory is clearly prohibited. However, lest some member be misled by the attractive solicitation, Canon 43 is repeated here:

“It is improper for a lawyer to permit his name to be published in a law list the conduct, management or contents of which are calculated or likely to deceive or injure the public or the profession, or to lower the dignity or standing of the profession.”

The yellow pages of the Telephone Directory, where a simple listing may appear and listings in legitimate city directories including all members of the Bar are the only exceptions. Listings in directories of civic clubs and Chambers of Commerce are permitted only under restrictions set out in opinions approved this date. No other listing is proper except in approved law lists.