
Ethics Counsel

Ethics Opinion No. 226

Adopted April 16, 1964


City Directories such as that published by the R. L. Polk organization contain a classified section. It has been asked whether or not an attorney may have his name included therein in more than one classification.


The answer is obviously “No,” regardless of whether a charge is made for the additional classification. The inclusion at all is proper only because all of the members of the Bar in a given community are included and the listing is therefore considered to be for the convenience of the public and not for any advantage to the members of the Bar so listed. In the directory examined all members of the Bar in the community were listed under the title “Lawyers.” An additional listing under the title “Attorneys-at-Law” contained only a few of the “Lawyers” and a footnote indicated that an additional charge is made for this listing. The names of the attorneys and firms having this dual listing make it obvious that this violation of the Code of Ethics was not realized by them or by the compilers of the directory. Nevertheless, it is a clear violation and both the attorneys concerned and the compiler of the directory should take care to see that it does not recur.