Ethics Counsel
Professional Conduct References In Oklahoma Federal Court Local Rules
United States District Court | Local Rule(s)
Eastern District of Oklahoma | LR 1.3.C. (effective 10/01/1996) references Oklahoma RPC 3.5(c) |
LR 1.3.H. (effective 10/01/1996) states that violations of the Oklahoma RPC will be referred to the OBA | |
LR 83.1.A. (effective 10/01/1996) references the Preamble of the Oklahoma RPC | |
LR 83.3.K. (effective 10/01/1998) states that the Code of Professional Responsibility [sic] of the OBA is adopted as the standard of conduct | |
The Oath of Attorney states: "I will be bound by the Rules of Professional Conduct for the Oklahoma Bar Association and will conduct myself in compliance therewith at all times.
Northern District of Oklahoma | LR 1.4.C. (effective 01/01/1995) references Oklahoma RPC 3.5(b) |
LR 1.4.H. (effective 01/01/1995) states that violations of the Oklahoma RPC will be referred to the OBA | |
LR 83.2.A. (effective 01/01/1995) states that attorneys practicing in this court are expected to conduct themselves in accordance with the Oklahoma Rules of Professional Conduct | |
LR 83.4. (effective 01/01/1995) (Oath of Attorney) states: "I will be bound by the Rules of Professional Conduct for the Oklahoma Bar Association and will conduct myself in compliance therewith at all times. | |
LCR 1.2 (effective 01/01/1995) adopts Local Civil Rules 1.4, 83.2 and 83.4
Western District of Oklahoma | LCvR83.6(b) (effective 05/01/1998) states that the Court adopts the Oklahoma Rules of Professional Conduct |