
Ethics Counsel

Professional Conduct References In Oklahoma Federal Court Local Rules

United States District Court Local Rule(s)


Eastern District of Oklahoma LR 1.3.C. (effective 10/01/1996) references Oklahoma RPC 3.5(c)
LR 1.3.H. (effective 10/01/1996) states that violations of the Oklahoma RPC will be referred to the OBA
LR 83.1.A. (effective 10/01/1996) references the Preamble of the Oklahoma RPC
LR 83.3.K. (effective 10/01/1998) states that the Code of Professional Responsibility [sic] of the OBA is adopted as the standard of conduct
The Oath of Attorney states: "I will be bound by the Rules of Professional Conduct for the Oklahoma Bar Association and will conduct myself in compliance therewith at all times.


Northern District of Oklahoma LR 1.4.C. (effective 01/01/1995) references Oklahoma RPC 3.5(b)
LR 1.4.H. (effective 01/01/1995) states that violations of the Oklahoma RPC will be referred to the OBA
LR 83.2.A. (effective 01/01/1995) states that attorneys practicing in this court are expected to conduct themselves in accordance with the Oklahoma Rules of Professional Conduct
LR 83.4. (effective 01/01/1995) (Oath of Attorney) states: "I will be bound by the Rules of Professional Conduct for the Oklahoma Bar Association and will conduct myself in compliance therewith at all times.
LCR 1.2 (effective 01/01/1995) adopts Local Civil Rules 1.4, 83.2 and 83.4


Western District of Oklahoma LCvR83.6(b) (effective 05/01/1998) states that the Court adopts the Oklahoma Rules of Professional Conduct