
Work/Life Balance

Award Winner History

Nomination Form

Nominating Tips

Individuals for Whom Awards are Named


  • The deadline is Friday, July 27, but get your nomination in EARLY!
  • Nominations can be as short as a one-page letter to the Awards Committee, however the entire nomination cannot exceed five single-sided, 81/2” x 11” pages (including exhibits and support letters).
  • nomination form is not required, but is available.
  • Be sure to include the name of the person being nominated and the person (or organization) making the nomination.
  • Only one award per nominee. Even if you think someone qualifies for awards in several categories, only pick one. The Awards Committee may consider the nominee for an award in a category other than the one in which they are nominated.
  • You can mail, fax or email your nomination (pick one).


Mail: OBA Awards Committee
P.O. Box 53036
Oklahoma City, OK 73152

Fax: 405-416-7089

Award Names & Descriptions

Below is the list of the awards for which the Awards Committee is accepting nominations. To learn more about each award, see the list of individuals for whom awards are named.

  • Outstanding County Bar Association Award - for meritorious efforts and activities
  • Hicks Epton Law Day Award - for individuals or organizations for noteworthy Law Day activities
  • Golden Gavel Award - for OBA Committees and Sections performing with a high degree of excellence
  • Liberty Bell Award - for nonlawyers or lay organizations for promoting or publicizing matters regarding the legal system
  • Outstanding Young Lawyer Award - for a member of the OBA Young Lawyers Division for service to the profession
  • Earl Sneed Award - for outstanding continuing legal education contributions
  • Award of Judicial Excellence- for excellence of character, job performance or achievement while a judge and service to the bench, bar and community
  • Fern Holland Courageous Lawyer Award - to an OBA member who has courageously performed in a manner befitting the highest ideals of our profession
  • Outstanding Service to the Public Award - for significant community service by an OBA member or bar-related entity
  • Award for Outstanding Pro Bono Service - by an OBA member or bar-related entity
  • Joe Stamper Distinguished Service Award - to an OBA member for long-term service to the bar association or contributions to the legal profession
  • Neil E. Bogan Professionalism Award- to an OBA member practicing 10 years or more who for conduct, honesty,integrity and courtesy best represents the highest standards of the legal profession
  • John E. Shipp Award for Ethics - to an OBA member who has truly exemplified the ethics of the legal profession either by 1) acting in accordance with the highest ethical standards in the face of pressure to do otherwise or 2) by serving as a role model for ethics to the other members of the profession
  • Alma Wilson Award - for an OBA member who has made a significant contribution to improving the lives of Oklahoma children
  • Trailblazer Award - to an OBA member or members who by their significant, unique visionary efforts have had a profound impact upon our profession and /or community and in doing so have blazed a trail for others to follow