
Oklahoma Bar Journal

Young Lawyers Division | 2025 YLD Leadership Candidates

By Laura R. Talbert

It’s already time to announce our slot of candidates for the 2025 YLD Board of Directors. Of course, it may seem a bit earlier than usual – this year, we adjusted the nomination period and elections to align with the Annual Meeting being hosted in the summer (I am very excited about a summer Annual Meeting, and I know I’m not the only one!). But I can’t believe the year is already halfway over, and we are already looking forward to next year. I have truly enjoyed serving as your YLD chair this first half of the year and am excited to see what the second half brings.

I want to take a moment to remind you that any OBA member who has been practicing for 10 years or fewer is automatically part of the OBA Young Lawyers Division. The YLD has a Board of Directors who, after qualifying with a nominating petition, run for each district and/or at-large seat. Each lawyer is a volunteer who wants to work to serve other YLD members.

The YLD is an important division of the state bar that gives new lawyers an avenue to gain leadership experience, network with more seasoned attorneys, get involved in service projects and so much more. The YLD board plays the important role of leading the division and deciding what events and service projects the YLD will spearhead from year to year. Each officer serves a one-year term, and members of the Board of Directors serve two-year terms.

I encourage you to get to know your YLD board members. Your board members, particularly your district representatives, serve as your voice – your connection to the statewide bar association. If you see a need in your district, let your representative know. You can make a difference. And I encourage you to consider running for a leadership position in the future!

On the following page, you will find the list of 2025 leadership candidates. Nominating petitions were accepted through April 1. Since there are no contested elections this year, these candidates will automatically move forward to become your representatives at the beginning of next year. Per the YLD bylaws, “Those offices that are not contested will be deemed elected by acclimation.” You can read more about the election process at www.okbar.org/yld.

In conjunction with this year’s OBA Annual Meeting, the YLD Board of Directors will also host a meeting where your new YLD officers and directors will be announced. As a YLD member, you are invited and encouraged to attend. This is an excellent opportunity to greet your new YLD board, get to know your fellow YLD members and hear what goes on in the YLD board meetings if you are unfamiliar.

This year, the OBA Annual Meeting will be a four-day event, held at the Embassy Suites in Norman, July 9-12. Make plans now to attend the OBA Annual Meeting and YLD board meeting. This is a fun and exciting time, and this year, the summer Annual Meeting will be a brand-new experience for all OBA members. This will be a great chance to network with other attorneys from across the state, earn your MCLE credit for the year and, of course, get more involved with your YLD!

Ms. Talbert is a lawyer in Oklahoma City and serves as the YLD chairperson. She may be contacted at lrtalbert@gmail.com.

Originally published in the Oklahoma Bar JournalOBJ 95 No. 5 (May 2024)

Statements or opinions expressed in the Oklahoma Bar Journal are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect those of the Oklahoma Bar Association, its officers, Board of Governors, Board of Editors or staff.