Oklahoma Bar Journal
Solo & Small Firm Conference Flashbacks

OBA members and their families enjoy the 2003 Solo & Small Firm Conference Circus Night at Tanglewood Resort on Lake Texoma.

From left Ross Kodner, OBA Management Assistance Program Director Jim Calloway and 2007 OBA President Stephen Beam show off their best Doc Brown impersonations at the 2005 Back to the Future-themed conference.

The winning team of the Friday golf scramble at the 2007 Solo & Small Firm Conference.

Former OU football head coach Barry Switzer meets with attendees during the 2011 conference.

YLD members experience the first poolside reception in 2011 at the Downstream Resort in Quapaw. From left Breea Clark, Sarah Stewart, Kaleb Hennigh, Robert Faulk, Lane Neal, Roy Tucker and Timothy Rogers

During the 2018 Midyear Meeting, YLD members attend a social event at the FlyingTee in Tulsa.
Originally published in the Oklahoma Bar Journal – OBJ 94 Vol 3 (March 2023)