Oklahoma Bar Journal
OKBar.org: Your Virtual HQ
By Dawn Shelton
Have questions about the Oklahoma Bar Association? If you need to know it fast, you can find it at www.okbar.org. As the OBA’s online headquarters, the website is a comprehensive and informative destination to manage your membership. Whether you’re looking for a CLE program, the next LHL meeting, information about sections and committees or the handy online calendar, it’s all there for you.
The OBA traces its roots back to 1904. From those pre-statehood days, the bar established a rich history of serving lawyers and the public. Adhering to that long commitment and bolstered by transparency and service, the OBA continues to transform, adopting new technology to better serve you and add value to your membership.
“In our efforts to continually improve services, we are using a data-driven approach as we update many of our communications methods,” said OBA Communications Director Lori Rasmussen. “Communicating in the 21st century means meeting our members where they are and delivering the content they want, where and when they want it. The feedback we receive informs our decisions, helping to further refine our processes. And we have learned our online presence provides a wealth of current, relevant information at the touch of your fingers.”
A Million Visits
The OBA website was visited nearly 1.3 million times in 2021, a 52% improvement over the previous year according to analytics. The addition of the Oklahoma Bar Journal digital publication, Courts & More, factored into those numbers with almost 92,000 visits over the year. Courts & More is a weekly, digital publication that provides a digest of the latest appellate news from the Oklahoma Supreme Court, Court of Criminal Appeals and Court of Civil Appeals, as well as information shared from the Judicial Nominating Commission and the OBA Office of General Counsel regarding hearings. Distributed via email on Wednesdays, the “More” part of the publication features news and events, law practice tips from OBA Management Assistance Program Director Jim Calloway, upcoming CLE courses and other information of value to OBA members.
Courts & More is a successor publication to the court material that was previously printed semi-weekly, developed to save members time and to steward our resources away from the costs associated with traditional publishing. “We know our members are busy, and this new format allows readers to quickly scan the content and select the most relevant information,” said OBA Executive Director John Morris Williams.
For Members and the Public
The OBA website’s member resources include the Career Center, established in 2021 to offer online classified advertising, employment opportunities, services and office space availability. Links to other bar-related news and the Office of Ethics Counsel are additional features. The website is also designed for public use – online brochures such as “Methods for Resolving Conflicts and Disputes” and “Your Rights and Duties as a Tenant” are two of the most popular public resources, visited nearly 100,000 times in 2021. The website also houses portals for popular programs like the Oklahoma High School Mock Trial Program and Law Day contest information for students and teachers.
The virtual headquarters for your OBA membership is at www.okbar.org. We are mindful of making it a great, user-friendly experience for you and a repository of the information you are tracking down. As always, if you have ideas or suggestions, let us know!
Membership in an OBA section is an excellent opportunity to collaborate and network with lawyers who share a common practice area. Your section dues investment, ranging from $15 - $25 for the calendar year, is minimal and comes with a return on your investment with perks that vary by section. Choose from 29 substantive law sections, including the new Women in Law Section established in 2021. Join anytime! Use the signup form on the next page or visit www.okbar.org to see a list of sections and leadership.
Oklahoma Bar Journal – OBJ 93 Vol 1 (January 2022)