Oklahoma Bar Journal
2025 OBA Officers and New Board Members Sworn in
On Friday, Jan. 17, OBA officers and new board members took their oaths of office during a swearing-in ceremony held in the Supreme Court Courtroom at the state Capitol. Those taking their oaths were joined by friends, family and colleagues. Administering the oath of office was Oklahoma Supreme Court Chief Justice Dustin P. Rowe.
Officers sworn in were:
- President D. Kenyon Williams Jr., Sperry
- President-Elect Amber Peckio, Tulsa
- Vice President Richard D. White Jr., Tulsa
Also taking oaths as members of the OBA Board of Governors were:
- Immediate Past President Miles Pringle, Oklahoma City
- Cody J. Cooper, Oklahoma City, District 3 (three-year term)
- Benjamin J. Barker, Enid, District 4 (three-year term)
- Lucas M. West, Norman, District 5 (three-year term)
- Kate N. Dodoo, Oklahoma City, Member at Large (three-year term)
- Taylor C. Venus, Enid, Young Lawyers Division Chairperson (one-year term)
OBA leadership roles are voluntary positions in which lawyers serve while continuing to practice law.

From left Cody J. Cooper, Lucas M. West, Taylor C. Venus, Benjamin J. Barker and Kate N. Dodoo take their oath of office, administered by Chief Justice Dustin P. Rowe.

OBA President D. Kenyon Williams Jr. is joined by his wife, Teresa, as he takes his oath of office.

President Williams’ wife, Teresa, places his presidential lapel pin.

Oklahoma Supreme Court Chief Justice Dustin P. Rowe (second from right) was joined by other Supreme Court justices as he administered the oath to new OBA officers and board members. From left Justice M. John Kane IV, Justice Noma Gurich, Vice Chief Justice Dana Kuehn, Chief Justice Rowe and Justice Douglas L. Combs.

President Williams speaks to the ceremony attendees, briefly discussing his goal to address access to justice and expressing his gratitude and optimism for the year ahead.

Immediate Past President Miles Pringle takes his oath of office. He said this is his seventh and final year on the Board of Governors.

President-Elect Amber Peckio takes her oath of office.

Vice President Richard D. White Jr. takes his oath of office.
Originally published in the Oklahoma Bar Journal – OBJ 96 No. 2 (February 2025)
Statements or opinions expressed in the Oklahoma Bar Journal are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect those of the Oklahoma Bar Association, its officers, Board of Governors, Board of Editors or staff.