
Oklahoma Bar Journal

2024 OBA Leadership Academy Concludes

The eighth class of the OBA Leadership Academy graduated on Jan. 16. Throughout the year, participants learned about OBA governance, special considerations for attorneys in public service, networking skills and effective communication. They attended the 2024 OBA Annual Meeting, volunteered at Palomar and the Law Day Ask A Lawyer program, heard from several inspirational Oklahoma leaders and much more. The graduates are Alyssa Amundsen, Norman; Timothy D. Beets, Oklahoma City; Melissa Brooks, Oklahoma City; Brian Candelaria, Norman; Courtney Driskell, Tulsa; Sherry Erb, Muskogee; Thomas Grossnicklaus, Oklahoma City; Rachel Hartman, Norman; Melissa Martin, Yukon; Calandra McCool, Norman; Kinder Shamhart, Bartlesville; Brett Stavin, Edmond; Elissa Stiles, Tulsa; Shannon Taylor, Oklahoma City; and Taylor Wallner, Oklahoma City.

Graduates receive awards to celebrate their achievements. From left (back row) Sherry Erb, Taylor Wallner, Timothy D. Beets, Alyssa Amundsen, (front row) Brett Stavin, Melissa Martin, Rachel Hartman, Kinder Shamhart, Shannon Taylor and OBA Director of Educational Programs Gigi McCormick.


Educational Programs Director Gigi McCormick gives an overview of the past year and discusses how the class has developed and grown, both professionally and personally.


Leadership Academy graduates are joined by friends and family for the ceremony in Emerson Hall at the Oklahoma Bar Center.

Originally published in the Oklahoma Bar JournalOBJ 96 No. 2 (February 2025)

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