
Oklahoma Bar Journal

Young Lawyers Division | Our Revels Now Are Ended

By Dylan D. Erwin

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As I sit down to write this – my final article for the Oklahoma Bar Journal in my capacity as your Young Lawyer’s Division chairperson, the afterimage of the 2022 Annual Meeting has yet to fade from my mind’s eye. The Annual Meeting, at least for me, is an annual tonic. A yearly reinvigoration. A reminder of why I am so immensely proud to call myself a member of the OBA – to consider you all my colleagues and to have the immeasurable honor of representing a broad swath of you.  

After trudging bent-backed through the last few pandemic years, contrary to statistics, I’m of the belief that 2022 was the first year we were able to return to some semblance of normalcy. Throughout the year, the YLD was still able to have in-person meetings, we were all able to gather for the Solo & Small Firm Conference, and as the evanescent flashbulbs of recent memory remind me, we topped everything off with an amazing Annual Meeting. But all good things must come to an end. Prospero’s words to Ferdinand in Act IV of The Tempest come to mind:  

You do look, my son, in a moved sort,  

As if you were dismayed. Be cheerful, sir.  

Our revels now are ended.  

My year at the helm may be drawing to a close, but I am excited beyond measure to see what the upcoming year brings. I will soon be passing the torch to the indefatigable and unbreakable Caroline Shaffer Siex. To say the YLD is in good hands would be an understatement. Caroline is an amazing leader, and I’m lucky to call her a friend. She was irreplaceable as my second-in-command this past year, and believe me when I say anything good you may have experienced at the hands of the YLD in 2022 was 125% her doing.  

Along with Caroline, we welcomed two new directors onto our board for next year. Nick Marr of Oklahoma City and Dayten Israel of Norman will be serving two-year terms as at-large directors. 2023 is going to be an amazing year for lawyers of every vintage, but especially our young lawyers. Keep an eye on your Oklahoma Bar Journal to find out how you can get involved in 2023! 

Before I fade into the mist, I want to take this opportunity to thank four very important people. First, my law partner, Gary S. Chilton. Over the years, Gary has always remained endlessly supportive of my involvement with the bar association, and I wouldn’t have been able to do all that I wanted without his support. Second, to John Morris Williams, our soon-to-be former executive director of the OBA. When I found out John was retiring, I thanked him for staying on until the end of my time with the YLD – if for no other reason than to make sure I didn’t burn the place to the ground accidentally. Plus, it’s only fitting that John began his OBA tenure in the YLD with my dad and ends his OBA tenure suffering through another Erwin. Third, to my wife, Leslie. The term better half is criminally overused, such that at times, like now when it’s appropriate, it doesn’t pack a punch. Leslie’s love and support over this past year, if I could be so bold as to return to Prospero, was such stuff as dreams are made on. Lastly, to my daughter, Eloise, who turns a year old this month – everyone has a raison d'être, but I’m forever thankful she gets to be mine. 

It’s been real, it’s been fun and it’s been real fun. See you in the funny papers. 

Mr. Erwin practices in Oklahoma City and serves as the YLD chairperson. He may be contacted at derwin@holladaychilton.com. Keep up with the YLD at www.facebook.com/obayld.    

Originally published in the Oklahoma Bar Journal – OBJ 93 Vol 10 (December 2022)