Oklahoma Bar Journal
Legislative Monitoring Committee | One Deadline Down, Several to Go
By Shanda McKenney

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The beginning of March brings several harbingers of spring – Bradford pear trees and forsythias begin blooming, severe weather alerts interrupt our regular rhythms, and the first deadline of the 2023 legislative session comes and goes.
At this point, if a bill did not get out of the committee in its house of origin with a “do pass” recommendation, then it is dead for the rest of this session. If the measure was considered in committee but given a “do not pass” recommendation, then it is dead for next year too. However, if a bill simply did not get a hearing in committee, it continues to be a “live round” for purposes of next year’s session. Rest assured we will continue to keep our eye on those measures.
The Oklahoma Legislature worked through March 23 on getting measures to the floor for votes in the house of origin. Any measure passed by the House floor was moved along to the Senate and assigned to a committee there. Anything passed by the Senate floor was moved to the House for assignment to a committee in that chamber. Committee meetings resumed after March 23 for purposes of considering bills referred by the opposite chamber. A complete list of meeting notices can be found at www.oklegislature.gov by clicking on the “Committees” tab at the top of the page. All proposed legislation is accessible through this site. Type in the bill number under “Find Legislation,” or search for keywords through the “Legislation” drop-down menu and click on “Text of Measures.”
Some of the bills that survived the first deadline that may be of interest include the following:
SB 296 – provides alternatives for hiring private court reporters if a staff court reporter is not available
HB 2794 – creates the Judicial Security and Privacy Act
HB 2850 – creates a judicial performance evaluation
HB 1005 – allows physician assistants and advanced practice registered nurses to provide documents excusing patients in their care from jury duty under certain circumstances
HB 1017 – creates the Family Representation and Advocacy Act, which establishes a program within the courts to provide legal representation to certain adults and children involved in deprived actions
HB 1396 – increases amounts payable to salaried court reporters
HB 1405 – defines “online harassment,” creates cause of action and outlines penalties for violations
HB 1588 – modifies adverse possession requirements and statute of limitations
HB 1612 – crimes and punishments; adds criminal offense to list of crimes
HB 1613 – larceny; changes and deletes certain penalty provisions
HB 1618 – alters licensing process for process servers
HB 1777 – removes various fines and fees throughout the court system
HB 1792 – creates the Oklahoma Crime Reclassification Act of 2023
HB 2005 – allows any guardian to authorize in writing co-guardians to act on that guardian’s behalf in cases where there are more than two guardians
HB 2085 – places limitations on the types of legal advice that can be given to state boards and commissions and the types of attorneys who can provide such legal advice
HB 2130 – requires child support payments to be made following certain vehicle accidents that result in the death of a parent
HB 2132 – prohibits law enforcement agencies from disclosing certain information
HB 2153 – lowers the threshold amount constituting grand larceny; emergency clause
HB 2259 – substantial changes to court costs; application and enforcement
HB 2279 – changes to public employee retirement benefits and funds
HB 2372 – alters procedures for obtaining default judgments and calculation of interest thereon
HB 2792 – requirements for court form development and publication to the Oklahoma State Courts Network website
SB 79 – modifies procedures for offers to confess judgment
SB 298 – prohibits beneficiaries from accepting a transfer-on-death deed on behalf of other designated beneficiaries; requires all named beneficiaries to execute separate affidavits
SB 515 – modifies the Administrative Procedures Act; modifies provisions for rule submission and Joint Committee; emergency clause
SB 617 – clarifies proper venue for suit against a limited liability company
SB 713 – increases juror pay from $20 per day to $30 per day for court attendance
SB 899 – addresses indigent defense matters; increases compensation for capital cases
This is by no means an exhaustive list. Each and every one of our members is encouraged to educate themselves on pending legislation and be an active part of the law-making process in their individual capacities. All members are welcome to join the Legislative Monitoring Committee and become active as we strive to keep all our members as informed as possible on bills affecting the practice of law. Thank you all for remaining engaged in the process!
April 13: Bills must be voted out of committee in the opposite house
April 27: Third reading in opposite house deadline
May 26: Sine die adjournment
Author's Note: The views expressed therein are those of the author individually and are not the views of State Farm.
Shanda McKenney practices in Oklahoma City. She co-chairs the OBA Legislative Monitoring Committee.
Originally published in the Oklahoma Bar Journal – OBJ 94 Vol 4 (April 2023)
Statements or opinions expressed in the Oklahoma Bar Journal are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect those of the Oklahoma Bar Association, its officers, Board of Governors, Board of Editors or staff.