Oklahoma Bar Journal
Mock Trial: A Competition of Constructive Madness in March
By Kevin H. Cunningham
On Tuesday evening, March 6, in the Bell Courtroom at the OU College of Law, a particularly impressive performance occurred between two competitive teams with the winner being determined in court, rather than on the court. The Oklahoma High School Mock Trial 2018 Finals was won by Owasso, after defeating Owasso. For the first time in competition history, the final two teams were from the same school. Owasso’s Audrey Cantrell team prevailed and will represent the state of Oklahoma at the National High School Mock Trial Competition this May in Reno, Nevada.
The competition this year involved more than 40 teams from across the entire state. The fact that Owasso High School had two teams in the finals is a testament to the level of skill possessed by those student-competitors and the level of dedication from their teachers, attorney-coaches, parents and other volunteers associated with the team. This program would not function without the work of many volunteers. Over 400 judges and attorneys donate time to work with mock trial teams directly, to score and judge the teams throughout the competition and as members of the Mock Trial Committee, to plan, prepare, write, conduct and oversee the competition. Personally, I want to thank the hundreds of volunteers who help with the mock trial competition each and every year.
Presiding judge for the final round was Retired Judge Edward Cunningham. Scoring panelists were Justice Patrick Wyrick, a former high school mock trial competitor, Judge Sarah Hall, Judge David Lewis, Judge Jequita Napoli and Judge Shon Erwin. Each of the scoring panelists is a current sitting judge and the panel, collectively, possesses decades of experience and involvement with the mock trial program. Very few practicing attorneys will ever face a judicial panel of such experience and skill. The fact that high school students stood before this group of jurists and delivered their performances exemplifies how the life-long skills and talents attained through mock trial competition can be developed relatively early in life.
In Justice Wyrick’s own words, “The mock trial program made an enormous impact on me as a high school student, so it was especially rewarding to me to get to serve as a judge and see a new generation of students in action.”
I want to extend my sincere appreciation to the entire panel and the presiding judge for their work this year.
As with most competitions, the competitors are the primary focus, and this program was no different. The students involved in this competition were impressive. The professionalism displayed at all levels of the program, culminating at the finals, was on par with what we see from the best practicing attorneys throughout the courtrooms of our state. At times, those of us not directly involved with the students have to remind ourselves that these competitors have not yet taken a first-year law school class, or even a freshman-level undergraduate class! The attorneys in this case, looked, sounded and acted like seasoned litigators. Objections were raised and argued, with specific citations to rules of evidence, with professional accuracy.
The opening and closing arguments were presented with clear and persuasive narration. The witnesses delivered testimony better than many people who take the witness stand at trial. The ability to effectively respond to cross-examination can often be the tipping point between a particular witness being believed or not. The students that portrayed witnesses in the finals were some of the best to take the witness chair.
Even though this March competition did not involve any buzzer-beating half-court shots, there was plenty of in-court drama as the competitors sought the win after weeks of competition and months of preparation. The state of Oklahoma will be represented quite well by the students from Owasso Audrey Cantrell. Their portrayals of professional litigators and witnesses were effective, persuasive and compelling. Thank you to the Owasso High School Audrey Cantrell team, teachers, coaches, parents and volunteers. You represent the best of our state, and I look forward to your competition at nationals.
Finally, this competition could not exist without significant help from the Oklahoma Bar Foundation. The foundation has been a steadfast supporter since day one and the entire High School Mock Trial Program is supported by funds received from the Oklahoma Bar Foundation. I thank the Oklahoma Bar Foundation, and its members across this state, for their support of a program that unquestionably benefits so many people in our community. All former mock trial competitors know the value of the program first-hand. Whether your professional path included law or not, the skills and talents developed from participation provide a lifetime of benefit. To every mock trial competitor, past, present and future, your involvement makes this program the best it can be. Sincerely, thank you.
Kevin Cunningham practices in Mustang and serves as chairperson for the Oklahoma High School Mock Trial Committee.
Andrew Casey | Anne Mize |
Deresa Clark | Todd Murray |
Dustin Compton | Michael Nesser |
Dan Couch | Melissa Peros |
Kevin Cunningham | Nathan Richter |
Lydia Fields | Susie Summers |
Dillon Langley | Chris Szlichta |
Patrick Layden | Leah Terrill-Nessmith |
April McClure | Carolyn Thompson |
Andrea Medley | Kathryn Walker |
Ranada Adams | Chris Jones |
Clifton Baker | Judge Douglas Kirkley |
Eli Bland | Nicole Longwell |
Judge James Bland | Blake Lynch |
Judge Daman Cantrell | Tom Maxcey |
Eric Cavett | Brian McLaughlin |
Stephana Colbert | Judge Tim Mills |
Angie Dean | Anthony Moore |
Chance Deaton | Rob Neal |
Judge Deirdre Dexter | Ellen Quinton |
Eddie Forarer | Rob Ridenour |
Valery Giebel | Adam Scharn |
Randy Gill | Judge Matt Sheets |
Eric Grantham | Desmond Sides |
Celo Harrel | David Smith |
Terry Harrison | Connie Smothermon |
Clint Hastings | Richard Smothermon |
Clifford Heckert | Bob Speed |
Shane Henry | Frank Stout |
William Hickman | Laura A. Thomas |
Andrew Hofland | Carolyn Thompson |
Mike Horn | Ken Underwood |
Michon Hughes | Kyle Wasson |
Linda Jaha | Judge Jill Weedon |
Aaron Johnson |
Patrick Abitbol** | Stephen Haynes | Ted Pepper |
Stacy Acord | Rick Henthorn | David Poarch |
Kim Adams | Judge Hess | Carolyn Pomberg |
Emma Arnett | Kurt Hoffman** | Sonja Porter |
Kara Bacon | Madison Holder | Paiten Qualls |
B.J. Baker | Chad Horsha | Jasmin Redd |
Matthew Ballard | Craig Hoster | Rob Redwine |
Luke Barteaux | Trevor Hughes | Ryan Reeves* |
Susan Beaty | Judge Lori Jackson | Greg Reilly |
Kristina Bell | Dalinda Jeffers | Maxey Reilly* |
Andrew Benedict | Jo Lynn Jetter | Dale Rex |
Lewis Berkowitz | Brittney Jewett | Jacqueline Rhodes** |
Lou Berkowitz | Erik Johnson | Greg Riley |
Howard Berkson**** | Courtney Jordan | Alison Roberts |
Brandon Bidde | Reign Karpe | Thomas Robertson* |
Larry Biddolph | David Keglovits | Charles Rogers |
Kelly Bishop* | William Kellough | Jacob Rowe |
Jack Bowyer | Deanna Kelso | Hilary Sadhoo |
Ruseal Brewer | Jennifer Kerns | Teri Sahs |
Elisabeth Brown | Kaye Kirk | Jenny Sanbrano* |
Libby Brown | Lita Kirk | Mark Schwebke***** |
Alyssa Campbell | Lindsay Kistler | Gessica Sewell |
Abby Carmine | Rick Knighton | Randall Sewell |
Dietmar Caudle | Julie Landes | Micah Sexton |
Jason Christopher** | Kent Larason | Matt Sheets |
Jack Coppedge*** | Trent Lauridson | Shelby Shelton |
Michael Coulson | Niki Lindsey | Chelsea Shields*** |
John Cramer | Grant Lloyd | Chris Shields |
Kymberly Cravatt | Rand Long | Carmelita Shinn |
Dan Crawford**** | Randy Long | Judge Steven Shreder |
Judge Ed Cunningham**** | Mark Lyons | Kim Slinkard |
Erin Dailey | Robert Margo | Angela Smith |
Chance Deaton | Amber Masters | Jared Smith |
Michael Denton | Kevyn Mattax* | Karen Smith |
Mike Dial | J. W. McBee* | Rusty Smith |
Charles Dickson | April McClure | Toni Smith |
Monica Dionisio | Shelly McCorkle | Jeanne Snider |
Susan Dobbins* | Kassie McCoy | Beth Stanley |
Joshua Edwards | Hilary McKinney | Luke Stephens |
Tony Edwards | Paige McLaughlin | Joshua Stockton |
Kathleen Egan | Evan McLemore | Orion Strand** |
Judge Shon Erwin*** | Andrew McMahon | Jim Stuart |
Greg Farrar*** | Law McMeans* | Chuck Sullivan |
Rachel Farrar | Jan Meadows | Thomas Swafford II |
Alayna Farris | Julia Metry | Brian Swenson*** |
Rodney Ferguson | Paul Middleton | Scott Thomas |
Craig Fitzgerald | Jennifer Miller | Carolyn Thompson* |
Marna Franklin | Mike Miller | Joe Trail* |
Matt Frisby | Sam Miller | Renee Troxell |
Mykel Fry | Tony Morales | Roy Tucker |
Ryan Fulda | Scott Mosteller | Scott Tully |
Mitchell Garrett | Michael Mullins* | Jonathan Udoka |
Debra Gee | Judge Jequita Napoli | Georgina Van Tuyl** |
Rachel Gessouroun | Drew Neville | Laina Vaughn |
Amy Gioletti | Brenda Nipp | Kyle Vazquez |
Jason Glidewell | Tahlina Nofire | Jon Vittitow |
Scott Goode | Paul Northcutt | Keith Ward |
Stephen Gray** | Brandi Nowakowski | Laura Wardrip |
Mark Graziano | Katie Ogden | Mark Warman**** |
David Guten**** | L. Earl Ogletree | Richard Warzynski |
Deb Hackler | Ivan Orndorff Jr.*** | Weston Watts |
Matthew Haire | Jessica Ortiz | Sabre Weathers |
Alex Handley*** | Jenna Owens | Zack West |
Keenan Haught | Matt Patterson | Matthew Wheatley |
Rick Hawthorn | Kathleen Pence* | Ed White |
Michael Wilson | Alex Wilson |
*****six rounds
Originally published in the Oklahoma Bar Journal -- OBJ 89 pg. 52 (April 2018)