What the New Vaccine Phase Means for Members
March 1, 2021
The second phase of COVID-19 vaccinations in Oklahoma is well underway.
What does this mean for OBA members?
As a reminder, legal professionals and their staff are considered essential workers under Gov. Stitt’s Executive Order from March 2020. One of the new second phase qualifiers includes adults age 65 and older, and adults of any age with comorbidities.
Both of these qualifiers may allow OBA members to get on the vaccination docket sooner.
The OSDH recorded there have been 839,401 total vaccine doses given to Oklahomans, as of Feb. 26, and 293,397 completed series of vaccinations – meaning both doses have been administered to an individual.
The Center of Disease Control’s online vaccine tracker has Oklahoma at over 1 million COVID-19 doses administered. The CDC tracker includes federal doses administered along with administered doses through other vaccine partners.
“This is an extraordinary milestone for our state — over one million doses of this life-saving vaccine have been administered to Oklahomans,” said OSDH Deputy Commissioner, Keith Reed in a statement released Friday.
The Sooner state is consistently in the top 10 nationally for pace of vaccine distribution, according to the Oklahoma State Department of Health.
“Until every Oklahoman is able to access the vaccine if they want it, there’s still work to be done,” Reed said. “I’m optimistic that we’ll be able to continue opening new access points to the vaccine as production and supply increase over the coming weeks and months.”
To know which vaccination phase you may qualify for visit the OSDH website to apply. Make sure to add any comorbidities you may have AND choose YES on the question: Are you a critical infrastructure worker in an “essential business/industry” as specified in the Governor’s 3rd executive order?

For more COVID-19 resources and information click here.