

Perceptions, Pills & Practicing

December 28, 2020

In case you missed it, read Scott B. Goode’s article in the December Oklahoma Bar Journal. The Tulsa attorney shares his story of recovery for the first time publicly.

Scott B. Goode

I was back at work the day after my father died. After missing a week to be by his side, I could not afford to miss much more. It was only me. I not only did all the lawyering but also all the other work that comes with starting and running a law firm. To say I was busy when I returned was an understatement. I didn’t have anyone to help me – no mentor to teach me the areas of law I had not previously dealt with, and due to me not billing hourly, my caseload was skyrocketing. My fear of failing, malpractice and bar complaints was unbearable, and all I could do was keep opening new cases in order to put food on the table and pay all the debt I had just incurred. The pressure was intense, and I felt like I was suffocating, just like my father, gasping to stay alive just a few more moments.

Scott B. Goode, Perceptions, Pills & Practicing, December OBJ

Read other articles on Wellness in the December OBJ.

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