

Legal Internship Committee Amendments to the Regulations

January 4, 2021

By H. Terrell Monks, Chair

On December 15, 2020, via electronic vote, the Legal Internship Committee unanimously approved the following amendments to the Legal Internship Regulations.

Regulation 2(C)4(a) was revised to allow in-court credit for negotiations/discussions conducted outside the courtroom.

4. Participation by the Licensed Legal Intern or observation of the Licensed Legal Intern’s supervising   attorney or other qualified substitute supervising attorney shall satisfy the “in court” practice experience requirement under the following circumstances even though the proceeding does not necessarily occur in a courtroom:

  • Judges chambers proceedings – only with the judge and opposing counsel present.  For example, a pre-trial conference or settlement conference before a judge, even if not conducted in the courtroom.  Time spent in the hall courthousenegotiating/discussing with opposing counsel concerning the matters to be raised at the pre-trial conference or settlement conference would not will be considered “in court” practice experience when they occur in conjunction with a scheduled hearing, but a conversation that ensues at a meeting that is not held in conjunction with a hearing would not be considered in-court time.

Regulation 3(B)(a-e) the order of these sections was changed to coincide with the academic calendar.  These sections were further amended to eliminate specific testing days.

  • Uniformity of Examination Dates
  1. The Legal Internship Examination shall be administered in five (5) scheduled examination cycles annually by each of the Colleges of Law as follows:

a) In January, on a Thursday or Friday No later than the end of the second week in which classes are held in the fall semesterat the particular College of Law. 

b) In April, on a Thursday or Friday, No later than the end of the first full week of April November. 

c) Either one (1) week before the start of the College of Law’s summer term or at the end of the first week in which classes are held in the College of Law’s summer term. No later than the end of the second full week in which classes are held in the spring semester at the particular College of Law. 

d) No later than the end of the second full week in which classes are held in the fall term at the particular College of Law of April. 

e) In November, on a Thursday or Friday, no later than the end of the first full week of November. Either one (1) week before the start of the College of Law’s summer term or at the end of the first week in which classes are held in the College of Law’s summer term. 

You may email comments or questions to Legal Internship Committee Chair Terrell Monks at LLIComments@okbar.org.  

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