
Posts Tagged ‘Rod Ring’

SOUND JUDGMENT | October 2022

NHTSA Sound Judgment is a quarterly newsletter funded as part of a National Highway Safety Training Administration (NHTSA) grant received through the Oklahoma Highway Safety Office.  The grant is designed to assist in decreasing the number of impaired driving related fatalities in Oklahoma by providing a program of training and education for judges and other judiciary personnel…

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NHTSA Sound Judgment is a quarterly newsletter funded as part of a National Highway Safety Training Administration (NHTSA) grant received through the Oklahoma Highway Safety Office.  The grant is designed to assist in decreasing the number of impaired driving related fatalities in Oklahoma by providing a program of training and education for judges and other judiciary personnel…

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NHTSA Sound Judgment is a quarterly newsletter funded as part of a National Highway Safety Training Administration (NHTSA) grant received through the Oklahoma Highway Safety Office.  The grant is designed to assist in decreasing the number of impaired driving related fatalities in Oklahoma by providing a program of training and education for judges and other judiciary personnel…

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