Search results for: JUVENILE LAW SECTION
Women In Law
Oklahoma Bar Journal Women in Law With introductions by Melissa DeLacerda and Retired Judge Stephanie K. Seymour Jump to Biographies Reflections on Leading the Way By Melissa DeLacerda In 2003, we published the book Leading the Way: A Look at Oklahoma's Pioneering Women Lawyers. At the time that book was published, only two women had…Continue reading...
Juvenile Law Section Meeting
Zoom Link - Lunch ProvidedContinue reading...
Juvenile Law Section Meeting
Zoom Link - Lunch ProvidedContinue reading...
Juvenile Law Section Meeting
Zoom Link - Lunch ProvidedContinue reading...
Juvenile Law Section Meeting
Zoom Link - Lunch ProvidedContinue reading...
Juvenile Law Section Meeting
Video conferencing availableContinue reading...
Juvenile Law Section Meeting
Zoom Link - Lunch ProvidedContinue reading...
Cancelled-Juvenile Law Section Meeting
Cancelled – Juvenile Law Section Meeting
Juvenile Law Section Meeting/CLE
Brown Bag Lunch - Zoom OptionContinue reading...